About Mr. Venugopal Linga

His name is Venugopal Linga and is born in the year 1977. From his childhood, he was a Spiritual Healer. His God is Holy Ghost and God used to reside in his head during his childhood years. He used to do spiritual healing during his childhood days. He used to do GLOBAL HEALING using a GLOBE, on a regular/daily basis to this whole world. He is the true/original founder of global healing. Then, all of a sudden, one day, Holy Ghost and his healing power abandoned him for some unknown mysterious reason. And in the year, 2009, he had to learn Reiki Healing to heal himself which was due for a long time. And later upon by reading the Divine White Light Prayer of the Holy Ghost, he got back his Spiritual Healing Power. Then, Holy Ghost also returned and blessed him. In the year 2010, he started his healing and therapy center 'Healing Home - Healing Clinic' to serve the society. Now, by profession, he is a Reiki Grand Master, Pranic Healer, Spiritual Healer, Crystal Reiki Master, Magnetotherapist & Acutherapist. His work involves interviewing and healing his patients and clients to cure them of their health problems, mental and emotional problems. In addition to this, Holy Ghost and he had been doing global healing since 2009 on a regular basis, by which, they are responsible for the eradication of Swine-flu, E-bola, Zika and Nipah from this whole world, whenever they had appeared; and other dangerous diseases like cancer, tumor, aids, viral fever, dengue, chikungunia, and also healed other common diseases like cold, cough, fever, bp and diabetes; etc. Holy Ghost and he are responsible for all the mass healings that had happened in the whole world until now. During global healing, Holy-Ghost and he heal the animate kingdom, inanimate kingdom and problems related with global warming (example: healing of the ozone layer, atmosphere and glaciers); healing environmental issues (example: healing of air, water bodies and land masses) and healing to prevent 3rd World War and to establish world peace. In this process, he became a WORLD HEALER. He renders distant healing and therapy sessions to the needy, as he believes in: "SERVICE TO MANKIND IS SERVICE TO GOD."


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