December 2006
By Dipika Maharaj Singh
Dr. Madhuri is a Pune-based clairvoyant who invokes Shirdi Sai Baba’s grace to guide and support the perplexed and the despairing.
Sometimes in life we have to lose something to find something. On New Year’s day my friend Devi (name changed), woke up to the horror of a burglary in her New Delhi apartment. She lost all her money and some valued possessions. In a state of shock, she braced herself for the ordeal of filing an FIR. Far away in Pune, I sought divine intervention to help her deal with this state of devastation. A phone call to Dr. Madhuri, a Pune-based clairvoyant (whom my friend had recently encountered), and I related the unfortunate incident.
‘Her new maid went on leave the same day. She must be responsible for the theft,’ I concluded.
‘Dipika, if our logical brain could comprehend all that happens to us in life, why would human beings have any problems?’ asked Dr.Madhuri with characteristic logic.
She noted the details and asked my friend to call her back while she sought answers from the ‘prashnavali’.
‘It is not the person you are suspecting. The thieves came between 12 – 2 a.m. They were very hungry so they took food. They were very cold so they took your quilts and carpets. I can smell a horrible smell. There is a connection with South India. You will find a few things but the money will be gone. God was on their side that day. You owed someone.’ This was Dr. Madhuri’s interpretation.
Two days later, my friend saw her bright pink carpet on the terrace below. In the adjacent unoccupied flat lay her familiar objects. On the table was a magazine in Tamil. There was excreta everywhere and the apartment had a dreadful stink. The money was gone and the men involved perhaps now have a cozy room and hopefully no need to steal again.
It was in this background of loss that we discovered the amazing clairvoyance of Dr. Shashikala (Madhuri) Mahadevan, known to many as ‘Guruma’. ‘Through Sai’s grace everything is possible,’ reads her microscopic ad in the daily newspaper. It is Sai’s grace which transformed Madhuri’s life from the ordinary to the extraordinary.
As I said before, sometimes we have to lose something to find something. It was when young Shashikala had a tragic personal loss that she found the abundant grace of Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi. Through a mystical union with Sai Baba, Shashikala was transformed into Sri Sai Guruma. A new dimension opened up to her. She was able to see through the misty barriers of past, present and future.
‘We all have a sixth sense,’ she says, ‘How we use it is what makes us different.’ Clairvoyance enables one to sense the energies that lie beyond the range of normal vision.
The blueprint of life is already demarcated when the soul seeks to enter this world through its chosen womb, says Guruma. The ensuing events are inevitable. But one can seek guidance to deal with the events and challenges. Once we are in the world we have to venture out and undertake the journey of life. But certainly we can choose the path. Therein lies the dividing line between destiny and free will. Metaphysics and its allied branches bring clarity and understanding to this long and arduous journey we call life.
Guruma connects the memories of our previous lives to our present-day behavior. She interprets the influence of the karmic planets, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu on the 5th House i.e. purva punya denoting accumulated deeds, both good and bad, from our previous lives. This is manifested as our sanchit karma. There is the 9th House of bhagya (luck) which indicates the carry forward life (future) and in between the two is the 10th house of karma (action). Our present actions ( prakrit karmas) in the form of our desires, are influenced by our sanchit karmas, our current decisions and deeds. Guruma expresses this in a simple equation: desire + decision + deed = (action) = destiny or result. The present is the most important moment in time as it has bearing on the past and the future.
Since many of our fears, failures, phobias, success and happiness can be the result of past incidents and memories of previous life experiences, Guruma’s readings give an insight which helps in diminishing and dissolving past-life issues.
By identifying karmic bonds, Guruma uses powerful siddhisutram solutions and mantras as remedial measures. She offers well-researched rudraksha remedies based on planetary influences and also as a supportive therapy for cancer and Aids (medical astrology).
Guruma’s reading combines astral projections, a certain degree of ESP (psychic power), working on the auric energy field, psychometry and telepathy. She guides through her ability to identify the auric field, a process known as arul vakku in Tamil (which means the divine word) and prashnavali (like tamboola prashna, cheshta prashna, swara prashna, aaroodam, etc, all meaning queries).
For the uninitiated it is hard to decipher the metaphysical jargon. But it is a world of extraordinary experiences. One day Dr. Madhuri received a phone call from an unknown woman (referred by a friend).
‘My husband went by train to Mumbai to drop our daughter to her college hostel. When my daughter got off the train in Mumbai, she called to say that her father disappeared while she was sleeping. Please help me find him,’ cried the hysterical lady.
Guruma invoked the swara prashnavali (as she had not met the lady, this was based on the contact with her voice). Sai Baba answered, ‘He got off the train in Pune. The daughter is fully aware of what is happening. There is a legal problem in his business. He has planned to disappear till the problem is resolved. He will give you a story. Do not probe even though the story is not real. Meanwhile, file an FIR.’
After some days the police called the lady and her brother-in-law (husband’s brother) to identify a highly decomposed body found on the railway track. ‘Yes, this is my brother,’ said her brother-in-law. The lady was forced to agree. She phoned Guruma, ‘I have lived with him for 22 years. I know it was not my husband’s body.’
Guruma prayed for the unknown man and sought Baba’s guidance yet again. ‘He got off the train in Pune. He is well and living near the family temple north of Pune,’ was Baba’s assurance.
Twenty-one days later, the daughter phoned her mother, ‘Father is at the Devi Temple in Bikaner,’ she said. The lady rushed there and was re-united with her husband. He had a story to tell, undoubtedly a cock and bull story. Sai Baba kept his secret. Such are the wonders of the universe, when we open ourselves to divine grace.
Through arul vakku Madhuri’s guru speaks through her. She is only the medium. Like all well-deserved gifts the awareness of clairvoyance did not come easily to Madhuri. It came in the midst of a life fraught with trials and tragedy. A traumatic marriage proved to be her pathway to a divine kinship with Shirdi Sai Baba.
‘Even today my chest tightens when I recall all the misery, injustice and insults I was subjected to and the disrespect and cruelty I endured from one person in particular, my mother-in-law,’ says Madhuri. Her parents did nothing to relieve her from the hell in which she was living. However, through all her trials, ‘not for a microsecond did Shri Sai Baba abandon me,’ she smiles.
At last Sai intervened and brought in a tragedy which ended her marriage.
With the ending of her turbulent life, began a new journey. She was free at last to do whatever she wanted with her life.
She chose Sai and pursued her education with his divine blessings. Comforts came, laurels came, and above all, peace came. ‘I want to simply draw a curtain over the pains and agonies of my past,’ says Madhuri. ‘My only partner and security is Sai.’
One fateful evening, she was attending a religious function at a friend’s home in Chennai. Dinner was served on the open terrace. There were lots of invitees. The twinkling lights of an airplane flying overhead caught Madhuri’s attention. Sensing impending danger, she murmured, ‘What if this plane crashes?’ Her elders rebuked her.
The next day the news of the ill-fated Air India’s Kanishka air crash jolted the world. Many lives were lost. The year was 1986.
People started paying attention to Madhuri’s stories and thoughts, until then ignored as silly, and sought her guidance and counseling. Her words seemed to flow from another dimension.
She is now 53 years old. She has written a book, ‘The Drama of Karma’ Part I. She is working on her biography, of her transition from a para normal unwanted daughter to the path of acceptance of Sai’s divine will. ‘A true channel is only a messenger of the Supreme Spirit manifested through the grace of the guru,’ she states. Truly amazing grace!
Contact: Ph 020-26835190; 98908226600
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