By Suma Varughese
October 2008
The most discussed date in spiritual history is just around the corner: 2012. What lies ahead and what should we do?
Disaster Management
A Spiritual Modus Operandi
It’s not a pretty thing to talk about, but it must be faced. Our transition to Satyug may encounter rough weather: literally and metaphorically. The next few years may throw up tough challenges in terms of natural disasters, environmental crises, and man-made horrors. We are moving from severe imbalance to perfect balance and that is by no means an easy task. So what must we do when events like the Delhi serial bombs or other such horrors burst upon us?
• Stay calm and peaceful no matter what confronts you. It’s all happening for the best. The suffering is voiding a lot of collective karma, and it will leave us and the earth more purified. It’s entirely possible that the Delhi blasts will have inspired millions to move towards peace and a higher way of life. All disasters are opportunities for growth, personally and collectively.
• The change starts with us. Each time an event releases negativity into the environment, we need to turn into Neelkanths and become adept at swallowing the poison. Instead of turning against other communities or losing faith in the government or human nature, we need to use the ‘All the more reason… principle: ‘All the more reason to support and practice peace, unconditional love, and acceptance. All the more reason to care for the country. All the more reason to knit the fabric of society closer together.’
• Make up your mind to uproot all hate, anger, and disquiet within you. No matter what provocation is offered, strive to retain your even temper. Remember you are doing this not just for you, but for the world. Within your family aspire to be the peacemaker, the one who can bring warring members together in genuine harmony. Take that role upon yourself in your office, your club, your Satsang. Let that be your personal mission.
• Take responsibility for the event no matter what – bomb, flood or tsunami.
All of us have conspired knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously in creating the present situation. There is a concept called Ho-oponopono in Hawaiian spirituality which affirms that we need to take total responsibility for whatever happens and to heal it. How? By saying these four statements: I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. I thank you. We can say it to ourselves, to society, to the environment, or to God. It reintegrates our shattered unity and makes us whole again. So chant!
• Get together with your Satsang group or friends circle and explore other ways to heal the devastation in society and the environment. Pray. It’s the most powerful thing we can do. Send white light to all in pain, sorrow, anger or alienation. As seekers, we have a special responsibility in healing and purifying the atmosphere.
• Finally and most non-negotiable. Work on yourself. The future of the planet depends on you. Use every opportunity to grow in wisdom and understanding, in love and compassion, in generosity and selflessness. Whatever we uproot within ourselves we are also uprooting from the body politic. Whatever goodness we nourish within ourselves, we are also nourishing in the outside world.
The Mayan Calendar
It is the best of times. And the worst of times. This celebrated line from Charles Dickens’, A Tale of Two Cities, has never been used with more justification.
Worst of times: Even as I write this, news of the Delhi serial blasts is reverberating through the TV channels, making Delhi the fifth Indian city to be targeted this year. And even as we go to press, the papers are full of the financial meltdown in Wall Street. Terrorism apart, turbulence is peaking. Prices are spiraling, placing the fulfillment of basic needs beyond the ability of the common man. Stress is soaring as 24X7 weeks are becoming the norm. Family relationships are fraying, and conflicts, depression, and divorce are the gloomy fall-outs; environmental degradation is destroying thousands of species and polluting the soil, air, and water. Illnesses have never been more rampant or resistant. Alzheimer’s, cancer, Aids, and frightening pandemics are reaping countless victims. Communal conflicts are heating up. Everywhere there is a sense of things falling apart, the center, as Yeats put it, not holding.
The best of times. Now turn the lens in another direction and what do you see? A rise in consciousness. More people meditating and practicing yoga than ever before. Spiritual discourses printed in daily newspapers. Personal growth and spiritual books and CDs selling in millions. Spiritual gurus and meditation teachers rising in thousands. Internet dispensing spiritual wisdom as casually as it does the daily news. People across the world campaigning for peace, environmental protection and freedom from pollution. More and more talk of a need for a different way of life – a life of peace and joy and simplicity.
At one and the same time, we are seeing the death and decay of the materialistic age and the possible rise and resurrection of a more spiritual one. Observes writer Eckhart Tolle, in his book, A New Earth, which many see as the definitive guide to move into the new consciousness, “We are witnessing not only an unprecedented influx of consciousness at this time but also an entrenchment and intensification of the ego.”
Both good and evil seem to be pitted against each other in one final overwhelming confrontation. And the convergence of this historic clash seems to be 2012.
Why 2012?
Why 2012? Surprisingly there is a lot of evidence going for it. The Mayan calendar has been proven to be precise and accurate – it predicted, for instance, that white-skinned bearded gods would descend upon them from across the sea on March 5, 1519, the exact date when Cortez discovered the New World. The Calendar comes to an end on December 21, 2012, predicting an end of time as we know it. Uncannily enough, the Chinese I Ching, or Book of Change, has also indicated a similar prophecy. The I Ching makes personal predictions based on 64, 000 hexagrams, each of which has a precise meaning. When writer Terence McKenna decided to plot the hexagrams along a timeline, he found that it was an accurate map of time. The odd thing? It came to an end on December 22, 2012.
Science endorses this prediction in more ways than one. Geophysicists claim that on December 21, 2012, the earth will be in exact alignment with the sun and the center of the Milky Way, an event that occurs only once in 25,800 years. As a result, the North and South Pole positions could change, spelling largescale climatic changes and shifting sea levels. If the event happens too fast – well, doom could be the outcome.
But don’t tear up your insurance papers as yet. Not many take this doomsday prediction seriously. It is unlikely that the world will end in 2012. Almost definitely what we are seeing instead is the birthing of a new consciousness. Yes, there will be turbulence. But how traumatic the birth pangs will be, depends entirely on us and our willingness to change.
Meditation teacher and originator of the Synchronicity Experience, Master Charles, puts the whole issue in perfect context when he says, “The most anticipated, controversial and, in many cases, misconstrued focal point among the spiritually aware is 2012. It is an event that most view with a mixture of fascination and fear. Yet, from a more holistic perspective, it is nothing more or less than an appropriate and timely expression of the progressive evolution in Consciousness… on a collective scale.
He adds, “The “fall-out” from 2012 is rooted in the fear of transformation… resistance to change… clinging to the old and outdated ways of living and being. Nevertheless, this leap is inevitable and Consciousness will move forward to a more holistic and unified experience for all of humanity… even while those who cannot go with the flow will be greatly challenged.”
The road ahead
Eckhart Tolle writes grimly, “Responding to a radical crisis that threatens our very survival – this is humanity’s challenge now. The dysfunction of the egoic human mind, recognized already more than 5,000 years ago by the ancient wisdom teachers and now magnified through science and technology, is for the first time threatening the survival of the planet. A significant portion of the earth’s population will soon recognise if they haven’t already done so, that humanity is now faced with a stark choice: Evolve or die.”
In the book, The Mystery of 2012, author and scientist, Peter Russell, asserts that 2012 will create what he calls a singularity in time. He explains that evolution has been speeding up relentlessly since the beginning of time, as we ourselves can recognize. This could eventually lead to a mind-boggling implication. “Evolution – whether human, machine or a synthesis of the two – would continue at an ever-increasing pace. Development timescales would continue to shorten, from decades to years, to months, to days. Before long, they would approach zero. The rate of change would then become infinite. We would have reached a true mathematical singularity.” He quotes McKenna to bolster the argument that this singularity in time will approach in 2012.
Then there is a whole school of thought with a different set of vocabulary in describing the change. Their approach could be called a shade occult, as they seem to get their knowledge through channeling information from higher spirits and ‘masters’ from the other side. Over the last few years, their numbers have grown enormously as apparently more and more of those on the other side come forth to help us make the transition. They talk in terms of the Shift, which they say is a matter of moving from the third dimension to the fourth dimension. They affirm that many of the changes we are seeing in the human body such as an increase of illnesses are really nothing more than the physical body adjusting to the higher vibration of the fourth dimension.
Writes Dr. Sunny Satin, in his book, Incredibly Believable. Everything you wanted to know about The Shift, “Planet Earth has been raising its vibrational rate or frequency since 1983, and will complete this transition to a higher level by December 2012… To survive in this New World, each of us must raise our own vibrational rate.” According to Dr. Satin, such shifts have been happening to the earth every few thousands of years, but formerly it was always accompanied by a total decimation of existing life forms. This time, however, we get to go along in our current physical bodies. He adds, “Since this Shift is so unusual, there are a number of civilizations that are watching us carefully, to make sure we go through it successfully.”
Their view is positive and proactive, affirming both the desirability of the changes that lie ahead and also of the vital role each of us has to play in bringing it about.
While most would put the onus on the man to change himself, some point out that help is at hand in the very phenomenon of 2012. Bolstering their arguments with science they say that over the last 10 years, the earth’s magnetic field has been steadily declining. Its significance has to do with the fact that the human mind and its thought-dominance is irrevocably connected to the magnetic core of the earth. The magnetic field is gauged by something called Schumann’s Resonance, which has been rising from 7.80 cycles to about 11 now. In 2012, the cycles will touch 13, which means that the earth’s magnetic core will stop. If the core stops the mind stops, and karma vanishes. We will then be in a position to move to the New Age or Satyug. This is happy serendipity if it is true but let us by no means let up on the personal effort.
Before we look at what we should do, it is necessary to look at the stakes we are playing for. On one end of the scale lies the very real possibility of disaster for the planet if we continue our destructive and conflict-ridden way of life. But on the other end – aah, what a vista.
The new world
Ever since man first appeared on planet earth it has been the collective dream of all humanity to live in peace, love, and harmony. Through all the horrors and traumas of our blood-soaked history, artists, visionaries, and sages held on to that dream and renewed our quest with their teachings and personal inspiration. The long road of human evolution has only this objective – to create a world family in which all – man, animal, plant, and mineral – has a place. For too long this dream has been considered hopelessly Utopian by all but a few evolved souls. Today, however, we are standing at the threshold of realizing that dream. It hardly seems possible but there is a very real chance that you and I will see the dawn of a wonderful new world.
How can we do that you ask? By changing ourselves. This is one dream, one revolution that begins with the individual. When we can free ourselves of our ego, immerse ourselves in the oneness of creation, and open ourselves up to the majesty and grandeur of our Creator and his creation, then we will naturally flow into fellowship with other humans. We will not need elaborate codes of conduct or laws to guide our interaction and lives. We will naturally serve, naturally give, naturally love. The more of us who do it, the greater our influence on the rest of mankind and soon, there will come a time when all of us will operate from this same selfless exalted standpoint – fully focused on the larger good, fully free of individual needs and desires. Can we do all this in four short years? After all, we are talking of nothing less than enlightenment and that has traditionally been an enterprise of blood, sweat and tears over lifetimes. Peter Russell asserts a vociferous yes. He says, “Because each new phase of evolving intelligence takes place in a fraction of the time of the previous phase, we can expect the dawning of a Wisdom Age to take place in years rather than decades. It will be standing on the shoulders of the Information Age.”
And for personal effort, listen to Master Charles, “We must focus on holistic models of reality… truthful, inclusive, love-based ways of being and living. We must invest in Oneness within ourselves… in a more holistic awareness… a more co-creative and mutually supportive relationship with each other and the planet. In other words, we must learn to live with balance and create a balanced world in which life-supporting values and experiences are the primary focus. Love must dominate over fear… truth over illusion… harmony over conflict… experience over concept… and we over me.”
Says writer and life coach, Chitra Jha, “In the run-up to 2012, I believe in working on raising my own consciousness, thus helping raise the planet’s consciousness, through keeping my focus on all that is positive, joyful, and beautiful. I am preparing my hardware (body-mind-machine) to be ready for receiving the ‘light’, through eating fresh food, small quantities, more fruits and nuts, no non-veg, no dairy, no processed, packaged or bottled stuff, no left-overs, a lot of water, no caffeine, no intoxicants of any kind, no medicines, positive, happy thoughts, lot of meditation, and visualisations.
“I do not listen to the news nor read newspapers. I also know that what we focus on grows in our lives, so my focus is on a clean, and green earth.”
Says Eckhart Tolle, “We are in the midst of a momentous event in the evolution of human consciousness, but they won’t be talking about it in the news tonight. On our planet, and perhaps simultaneously in many parts of our galaxy and beyond, consciousness is awakening from the dream of form…. It can remain conscious of itself, even while it creates and experiences form. …How does consciousness do that? Through awakened humans who have learned the meaning of awakened doing.”
Tolle recommends three qualities of awakened doing. These are acceptance, enjoyment, and enthusiasm. If we cannot bring any or all of these modalities to our doing, we will bring suffering to ourselves and others, he affirms.
On the other hand if we consistently operate from these modalities here is the likely scenario, “Sometimes for a few years or so their sphere of influence remains small; and then it can happen that suddenly or gradually a wave of creative empowerment flows into what they do, and their activity expands beyond anything they could have imagined and touched countless others. In addition to enjoyment, an intensity is now added to what they do and with it comes creativity that goes beyond anything an ordinary human could accomplish.”
Paradise gained
What a paradise will then open up. Dr. Sunny Satin draws a detailed picture of the new world. The highlights include: Everyone will operate from the heart, based on unconditional love for all. There will be sufficient resources for all. There will not be any secrets, transparency will rule. People will work only four hours a day and be at leisure for the rest of the time. Houses will cost the same everywhere and we can travel wherever we want. Educational, monetary and political systems will all revolutionize.
Rhapsodises Dr. Newton, “There will be more transparency with each other and more sharing and universal brotherhood. Love and compassion will flow from one to all; spiritual leaders will lead the governments and countries. No war or terrorism, only harmony, and peace. We will have more respect towards each other and respect towards mineral/plant/animal kingdoms. More living in harmony with nature rather than in artificial climates.”
Adds Ananda Giri, one of the senior guides of the Oneness University, “Imagine for a moment a society where each one of us will take care of everyone else. We will be a society where the sick, the poor, the handicapped will receive help and love from the rest. The most important thing in our lives will be to take care of each other. At last, we will be a universal family where there will be no divisions between countries, religious groups, social and economic classes because we would not be wearing our masks that are born from fear, we will know each other, not from lies, but we will relate with others from true love. Where the welfare of the rest will be more important than personal welfare there man will meet with what has been his quest and dream, which is to feel like a part of a whole and to be able to experience a real communion with his existence, the Universe and the Whole.”
There cannot be a loftier, more beautiful and inspiring dream. You and I have clearly toiled for lifetimes for the honor and privilege of living in these times and doing our bit to make this dream come true. Let us waste no further time. Humanity is calling.
For a postage-free copy of Dr. Sunny Satin’s Incredibly Believable.
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