March 2017
By Shivi Verma
Being held on March 24th-26th at Zorba the Buddha, an exclusive eco-village in the suburbs of New Delhi, the annual Life Positive Fest will once again reconnect you to your purpose, health and happiness, says Shivi Verma
Nature is the best conduit of Divinity. With its gentle and soothing whispers, it lulls you into serenity and bliss, helping to connect you with your innermost being. Keeping this in mind, Life Positive has decided to host its annual festival for seekers at Zorba the Buddha, a mystical eco-village on the outskirts of New Delhi at Mehrauli-Gurgaon road, this month of March. Take a stroll along tranquil ponds and exotic gardens, enjoy the birds and scenery and chill inside earthy cottages and workshop spaces.
The place is already high on spiritual energy because of its theme, and the gathering of artists and seekers from all walks of life. Top it all with healthy, aromatic, organic food cooked to perfection and you have a dream experience. Attending divine discourses and uplifting workshops in such a heavenly ambience is guaranteed to touch you with a deep sense of gratitude, freedom and faith
Inaugural address by Sw. Ishwarananda Giri
Swami Ishwarananda Giri is a member of the Board of Directors, Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, and is also the Administrator of Yogoda Satsanga Sakha Ashram Noida, UP.
He did his MBBS from Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, and M.D. in chest specialisation from the Patel Chest Institute, Delhi.
From his youth he had been driven by a quest to know. He read the Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda in his youth and was deeply impressed. On reading about the God-realised saints in the book he felt the desire to reach that state himself. He subscribed to the postal course of kriya yoga meditation and began doing meditation daily twice a day. As he practised he began seeing great changes within himself. One of the landmark moments in his spiritual journey was the day he realised the meaning of God’s omnipresence. “It struck me that if God was everywhere, then He was right here with me in the room itself. There was no place to go to find him,” he says.
In 1988 he joined the YSS ashram as a monk and served in the ashram in different capacities. He was involved in many charitable activities, such as eye camps, free TB clinic, and treatment of leprosy patients in his first 10 years of ashram life.
Later, he was sent to the Self-Realization Fellowship, the International headquarters of Yogoda Satsanga Society of India in Los Angeles, where he spent about five years.
In spreading the life-affirmative teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, he has travelled all over India and abroad, and spoken in several American cities such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, San Francisco, Seattle, New York, and Atlanta.
He will be delivering the inaugural address at the festival on the subject: Balancing between the head and heart.
Valedictory address by Dr Sriram Gajula
f humility is the measure of greatness, then Dr Sriram Gajula aces this test. He is the epitome of simplicity, grace, love, and gentleness. His speeches are the outpourings of his heart, the most deep and authentic realisations which are a result of his consistent spiritual inquiries and profound love for Nature. Listening to him is akin to taking a dip in the pool of your soul. You return feeling as though you have just met yourself more deeply.
An MA, M.Phil and PhD in English from Osmania University, Hyderabad, he currently resides in Hyderabad. Dr. Sriram has written more than a dozen books: Dew Drops on a Lotus Leaf, Voyage into Consciousness, Journey into Joy, Divinity in Nature, Pearls of Wisdom, and Smiling Tears. Some of his books have been translated into Hindi and Telugu.
His informal spiritual talks have been published as a book, Jeevan Saurabh in Hindi and Jeevan Saurabham in Telugu. There are three published biographies on him. Though he lives a life of anonymity except for a few get-togethers and workshops, his impact is global. He has extensively travelled in India and abroad to observe and appreciate nature.
Dr. Sriram has conducted two-day workshops on Spiritual Wisdom for Celebration of Life, in Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Delhi, Boston, and Silicon Valley. He has also done a one-day programme, Eye on I at Harvard in September 2016. He has also given talks at the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, on Wisdom and Happiness and at Penn State University, USA on Oasis of Happiness and Ocean of Happiness. He will be delivering the valedictory address at the Life Positive Fest on the topic: Nature as guru.
Empowerment with Angels by Roshani Shenazz Nadirshah
ngels. The word itself fills us with a sparkling sense of joy and curiosity. A realm we left behind in childhood along with fairy tales, to face the practical world of ground realities is today reclaiming our attention. The mystical world of angels exists, eager to touch our lives with their magic wands if only we would allow them to. And through Roshani Shenazz Nadirshah, an emissary par excellence of the angelic forces, we can learn how to.
A connection with angels fills our life with faith, hope and courage, and also acts as our portal to higher dimensions of being and living. Says Roshani, “Angels are non-religious, non-denominational light beings, who were created by God way before creation came into existence and are there for the benefit of the inhabited universe irrespective of our earthly religions and other differences.” In this one-day workshop you will learn about your guiding angels, arch angels, how to invoke them and decode their messages.
Keynote speaker, best-selling author of Angelspeak, spiritual mentor and coach and founder of Sparkling Angels Wholeistic Living and Holistic Healing Meher Roshani Foundation, Roshani is in the second innings of her inspirational life. Her dynamic 23 years in media and films, where she worked for some of the biggest names in the industry was interrupted in 2005 by a prolonged illness followed by financial, emotional and many other closures. After a radical transformation in 2009-10, she quit the dream industry, embarking on her life purpose to help people unveil their own divine potential. She learnt Angel healing with Charles Virtue, son of Doreen Virtue in 2010, and has ever since been facilitating many sessions and workshops for guidance, healing and mentoring in India and across the globe. She was invited as a Keynote Speaker at the XIVth CIFA forum in Monaco, France in 2016.
The Secrets of Breath by Partha Gupta
Our breath is not simply oxygen but also prana, the element of life and divinity in our lives. As long as we can take complete breaths, uncluttered by disturbing thoughts and emotions, we can lead healthy, spirited and energetic lives. Our breath manifests our dreams, desires or even what we fear, depending on its quality. So if we could simply learn to breathe in the best possible way, many of our challenges would get over.
Says Partha, “Whatever is coming to you is because of the breath. Whatever is going out of you is because of the breath. Till date whatever you have received is because your breath could connect to it. And if you have wanted something and did not receive it, it is because your breath could not connect to it.” His session focuses on making participants experience the vitality of prana.
His breathing techniques have the power to fill you up with unprecedented vitality, heal your chronic diseases, manifest your dreams, and even take you closer to your Divine self.
It is a delight to watch participants perform nadi shuddhi – a chakra-cleansing breathing technique – under Partha’s guidance and feel liberated of their blockages. His affable and easygoing demeanour puts everyone at ease. Partha is a Hyderabad-based master breath trainer, who learnt the processes of life from the great Himalayan Masters, and the kriya yoga tradition of Shibendu Lahiri, great grandson of Lahiri Mahashaya. He has empowered many to heal ailments and manifest their intentions by connecting to their breath.
“Participating in the Pranic Force workshop by Partha Gupta in Coimbatore gave me a good tool to change my lifestyle. I have learnt to live a happy and better life, thanks to the session,” said PL Garg, a participant from Faridabad.
Another participant, D Surekha, too found the workshop to be excellent. “I learnt a lot of breath techniques which removed many energy blockages. I found each and every second of the session to be very special, and had an amazing experience,” she said.
Processing trapped emotions by Suzy Singh
Deep emotions have a way of impacting our mind and memory. If unpleasant they can take deep roots in our psyche, badly affecting or influencing our present life and relationships. They become sanskaras which can continue to exert themselves even in forthcoming lives, becoming our dysfunctional patterns. If unhealed or unreleased they can also convert into debilitating diseases. Magically, our real, magnificent Self lies just beneath the surface of these pernicious emotions.
Once you are able to identify them you can work to help them find release. And as you do so you will move towards your real nature of bliss, peace and joy. In this workshop, Suzy will teach you how to identify, process and release trapped emotions for a happier and healthier life. A regular writer for Life Positive (see article on Page 64), Suzy Singh is a transpersonal therapist, karma coach, relationship counsellor and energy healer. She has extensive clinical experience in multidisciplinary approaches to vibrational healing and energy medicine. She has helped innumerable people across the globe find greater happiness, more peace, better health and enhanced productivity.
Her book on karma and fulfillment is due for release by this year end by Life Positive Books. Her journey through the world of consciousness included a fatal car crash. Says Suzy, “I had been using spirituality to get back to God, but my fierce accident made me realise that I had to belong to the people of the earth, sharing with them and teaching them what I had learnt. I heard God say to me, “If I had wanted you to remain here with me, I wouldn’t have sent you down there to complete your work. Accomplish your purpose, finish what you have been assigned, be brave, learn, conquer your infirmities, and find me there itself on earth,” Ever since Suzy has been diligently on this path.
Acupressure for total wellness by Ketan Shah
Says Ketan V Shah, “It’s time to feel the body and heal the mind!” Ketan Shah is a messiah of acupressure, known across the globe for treating and curing people of many diseases. And it’s all in your own hands. A pressure here, a stress there, and hey presto, you are up and about, trotting back to work. Acupressure is so effective that many diseases that are beyond diagnosis or cure can also be managed or completely healed.
Jamuna Rangachari, editor, Life Positive website, swears by the efficacy of acupressure. Jamuna managed her multiple sclerosis mainly through the use of acupuncture as well as acupressure. Mr Shah himself recovered from a botched-up appendix operation with the help of acupressure. The surgery was not successful, and he further developed gangrene. Fortunately, he happened to meet Dr Bhojraj, an acupressure specialist who taught him the techniques.
Within a month he was cured of the disease completely. A miracle that compelled him to devote his life to the propagation of acupressure. Says he, “Disease is one of our worst enemies. Not only do people suffer physically and emotionally, but also financially due to the high cost of treatments they are forced to undertake.” His success with acupressure made him learn it professionally along with reiki and other alternative therapies. After that he embarked on a journey to empower more and more people to become self-sufficient with regard to their health.
Ketan Shah has held workshops across various countries like India, Australia, United Kingdom, USA, Kenya and Tanzania. He has also invested time in treating over 3,000 inmates and trained over a 100 male and female inmates of the famous Tihar Jail in New Delhi, who, in turn, are helping fellow inmates regularly. He has held workshops for CISF jawans who manage the security at the airports in India. In order to spread awareness of acupressure and its benefits, Mr. Shah conducts “wellness camps” across various cities and towns of India like Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Akola, Haridwar, Madurai and parts of East Africa. He has trained about 100 volunteers in a town called Udang, in Howrah district, West Bengal, who have successfully treated more than 15,000 patients till date. He is the author of the bestselling book, Acupressure for Total Wellness.
Mind and health management by BK Chandrasekhar
Your mind is a powerhouse of superhuman abilities but will not work for you unless you learn to harness its powers. Dr Chandrashekhar gives you a glimpse of his own obedient mind by memorising and reciting a range of phone numbers after giving them a cursory glance. He also used the power of his mind to heal himself of diseases like cancer and hepatitis. And he is confident that each one of us can do the same. His methods are simple and easy to practice. After his workshop, people make a beeline at his stall, clamouring for his books and handouts.
He says, “According to God, an atheist is not someone who does not believe in Him, but someone who misuses his energy. And a theist is someone who uses God’s energy positively. Therefore, even if you pray four times a day you are a theist only if you make just use of your abilities and powers. Thus, only a handful can be called believers. Through the techniques imparted to me by God, I teach you how best to use the powers endowed on you by God Himself.”
Crediting the Divine for all his innovative techniques, Dr BK Chandrashekhar is a Raj yogi, a Psycho-Neurobics specialist, and founder of SIGFA solutions. He is an international mind and memory trainer, Guinness World Record Holder in speech category, Director of the Indian Forum of Yoga and Samskrutham University, Florida, USA, and founder director of Invisible Doctors solutions. He has authored more than 15 books on mind, memory and healing power. He has conducted more than 4,000 workshops and seminars in India and abroad on memory techniques, mind power, stress management and psycho-neurobic exercises for mind-body-spirit fitness and holistic health.
Past-life Regression by Blossom Furtado
Sanskaras and memories don’t go away with death. They travel from lifetime to lifetime influencing our traits, habits and even thought processes, making us who we are in our present life. While positive sanskaras give us positive thoughts, habits and beliefs, a folder of unpleasant past-life memories can badly affect our current-life situations and relationships. Sometimes unsettled scores from past lives too may surface in our current life.
To find answers to such recurring patterns and debilitating circumstances, a peek into our past life may be the best solution. People have healed from emotional blocks, spiritual wounds and physical ailments through undergoing Past-life Regression under a trained and competent therapist.
Facilitator Blossom Furtado is a psychologist, an MD in alternative medicine (naturopathy and yoga) and a certified clinical hypnotherapist, past-life regression and transpersonal therapist. She is also a spirit release therapist, Theta Healer, energy balancing therapist, life between lives, crystal therapist, and spiritual therapist, counselor, teacher and trainer.
She says, “The experience may have been incomplete and hence the soul chooses the current physical body to re-experience it, understand or have a new perception, release and be complete with the experience.”
She is also the founder and president of AIKYA THE ONE, an organisation that offers workshops on self-empowerment to corporate organisations, schools, NGOs and other institutions. Blossom also founded The Hypnotherapy School of India which teaches hypnotherapy, regression and therapies related to past and future lives.
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