By Sangeeta Handa
October 2008
Suffering is a means to connect to god as it creates compassion within you
Although suffering may seem ungodly, undesirable, and painful, it actually embodies a very specific purpose. Suffering brings us much closer to God and creates compassion within us.
When we are suffering, we are much more open and tolerant. When we are open, willing, and tolerant, the God energy or God consciousness can fill us to a much greater degree. More importantly, we let go while suffering, and consequently, open ourselves to something different, and thereby allow something new to happen to us. When we are suffering, we ourselves cannot absolve whatever is ailing or affecting us. These emotions of pain or suffering are essential. They serve as a catalyst, to direct us back to the Source. Suffering jolts us out of our routines. We then go deep within, and examine our lives and ourselves. In addition, we ask for help. When we ask for help and really mean it, we usually receive it. Nevertheless, we have to get out of the way first, and let go of our ego or of our controlling self. This is a vital part of the ascension process. Suffering is another way that we connect more deeply and strongly to the Source.
After we have attained this connection with God through suffering, at a later stage, we should be able to recall this feeling of connection, and utilise it through application in all areas of our life. If we can remember our feeling when the Source was present, we could then summon the Source repeatedly to help others as well.
After we have gone through an experience of suffering, which has opened us to the higher powers, we then seem much more ready and in alignment to assist others, and become involved in some kind of humanitarian work. In other words, suffering helps us to develop compassion.
When suffering is viewed from the higher realms, it looks very different. In the higher realms, it is known that life comes and goes. When looking back at a suffering experience, after one has left their physical body, one does not feel that this experience was any big deal. It is known that suffering/pain/hurt etc. are a part-and-parcel of descending into the physical world of tangible form and solidity. Emotions, on the other hand, are valued; as they are one of the things, that being ‘in-form’ is all about. Suffering is simply another experience and no big deal. However, we certainly think it is a big deal when we are the ones who are undergoing the experience of suffering.
Suffering and compassion are partners. Moreover, compassion is a vibrating state of emotion, existent only in the third dimensional world. Suffering affects a vibrational change in a person, creates emotions of compassion towards other fellow beings, and allows an opening to the Source, as well as at times summons in the new. We can infer that suffering in another is not something we need to meddle with, or become involved in its alleviation. This is not always a set rule, of course. The non-physical beings watch us suffer continually and never meddle. This is because they are simply honouring our process. As we are becoming the human angels of the Earth, we will need to adopt this higher way of being as well. Feel compassion for others who are suffering but allow them their space and pace of evolution. It is not advisable to always heal another. Sometimes we need to walk the extra mile in order to evolve. Sometimes we need to suffer to shed karma. Each human being on Earth has its own blueprint/patri/contract that allows for certain events to occur in their lives which trigger cleansing of karmic debris and learning of lessons that are of utmost importance to gain freedom from the cycles of reincarnation. Remember suffering, when viewed from the higher perspective, is actually a freeing experience as it releases karma and disease. When you suffer pain the next time, know that you are successfully releasing and healing the ‘dis-ease’.
Compassion, therefore, does not mean that you must act by trying to change the other person’s blueprint, or prevent the events from playing out as pre-determined by the other, but by offering support to the other person through qualities of strength, wisdom, and love. Sometimes acts of kindness can actually cripple another for life. Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lives to appreciate our blessings and gifts. One may desire to live on top of a beautiful mountain but you must first attempt to climb it. The climb could cause discomfort, induce pain and suffering, but remember when you know joy without pain, you do not understand the essence and spirit of joy. In a third dimensional physical world, we are meant to experience the expression of duality in all its manifestations. This is the dimension of polarity and relativity. Suffering is as much a play here as is happiness. This is the package deal. Consequently, it is important that we understand and value suffering for what it is and what it produces.
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Sangeeta Handa is a metaphysical scriber, an occult researcher, and an exorcist. She is establishing a ‘Mystery School of Higher Wisdom’ in India affiliated with the Rocky Mountain Mystery School of Japan & USA.
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