September 2000
By Swati Chopra
By examining the iris of the human eye, it is possible to diagnose diseases, both existing and potential
Over the centuries, much has been made of that humble organ—the human eye. Scientists have studied it as a crucial part of the human anatomy; lovers have eulogized it, poets have sung paeans to it. The Elizabethans of 16th century England even believed the eyes to be the ‘mirror of the soul’. Above all, they are essential to our sensory perceptions, our window to the world. And today, thanks to iridology, they have become tools for easy medical diagnosis.
Julia, a solicitor, felt constantly fatigued. Although she had been clinically diagnosed as having post-viral syndrome, an iris analysis revealed a marking in her breast zone. A mammogram confirmed the presence of a lump in her right breast—the initial stage of breast cancer. Iridology helped Julia discover her cancer before it was too late.
The very idea that serious, life-threatening disorders, such as heart disease, cancer and liver cirrhosis, may be discovered merely by staring at the iris of an eye would seem highly improbable to most of us. Yet it is true. Iridology is not only gaining wide acceptance among practitioners of conventional medicine around the world, but is also being used in conjunction with alternative healing systems like naturopathy, acupuncture, homeopathy and reflexology.
The iris is the circular colored membrane in the eye surrounding the pupil. With a diameter of 13 mm, it acts as a curtain to regulate the amount of light entering the eye. Iridologists believe that its color and markings may indicate specific health problems and toxic accumulations in body organs. But how?
The iris stems from the same neural pathways of the brain which connect the various organs and glands in the body. Consequently, what the organs undergo finds expression in the iris in the form of markings, lines and spots. The job of the iridologist is to interpret these correctly.
Iridology has joined the ever-swelling ranks of noninvasive diagnosis and healing systems. Another such diagnostic technique based on the eye is pupillometry. Dr Dan Taylor, who developed the pupillometer at the Slough-based Procyon Instruments in England, likens the pupil of the eye to a ‘little laboratory’. Already being used as a diagnostic tool for glaucoma, this technique is soon to be put to use by London police to detect drug abuse.
In fact, the observation of physical symptoms to diagnose disease has been the practice of every competent physician since Hippocrates. For instance, fingernails might indicate bronchial problems when yellow and a thyroid problem when opaque white. Iridology scores over other diagnostic methods in its ability to identify potential areas of disease in an individual, even when overt physical symptoms might not have appeared. This is particularly helpful in case of genetic abnormalities and congenital defects.
The going has been rough and the path littered with innumerable hurdles for the pioneers of iridology. Ridiculed by orthodox medicine for being ‘unscientific’, it has taken more than a century for iridology to come into its own. Ignacz Von Peczely (1822-1911), a Hungarian doctor, is credited by many as the Father of modern iridology. Peczely came upon it serendipitously. While treating an owl’s broken leg, 11-year-old Ignacz observed a white cloud appear in the bird’s eye, the same side as the broken leg. As the leg healed, the cloud was reduced to a black speck, which ultimately disappeared. This incident led Ignacz to correlate physical suffering with the iris, and was the birth of what was to become his lifelong mission.
Peczely was able to demarcate the iris into anatomical zones but was continually frustrated by the problem—Hic signum, ubi ulcus? (Here is the marking, where is the ulcer?) Joseph Deck finally found the solution in mid-20th century, when an iris marking in the stomach zone of a well-known professor materialized into a perforated stomach 11 years after he had diagnosed it. James and Sheelagh Colton subsequently developed a detailed iris map, which is now in use throughout the world.
A recent offshoot of iridology is bio-iridology, which aims at a holistic approach to health. Once the diagnosis is made by iridological methods, the best course of treatment in the form of a nutritional formula and/or herbal medicine is prescribed.
A lot of heat has been generated among iridologists over the use of iridology for personality assessment. Most British iridologists like James and Sheelagh Colton believe that it is impossible for personality to be simply ‘read’ from the iris. If this were possible, they maintain, then the iris markings must continually undergo changes as the personality is inconstant and alters according to environment. Yet the iris pattern is formed at birth and is fingerprint-like in its immutability.
A radically different view has been adopted by American iridology. Using the Rayid Model, many American iridologists claim to assess the ‘rayid‘—a single strand of light coming from the deepest level of the mind. This, according to them, determines the essential core of one’s personality and also indicates the existing balance, or the lack of it, between the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects. Dr Dave Carpenter goes to the extent of saying: ‘The insights from iris analysis will not only improve your health but will also help you in making appropriate career and relationship choices. This method can also be useful in understanding the people in your life.’
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