Uplift yourself with the Upward Plank
Kamala Venkat shows us how to perform Poorvottanasana to benefit our body in various ways
The literal meaning of Poorvottanasana is ‘to stretch towards the east.’ However, this has nothing to do with stretching in the east direction. This asana specifically refers to the flow of pranic subtle energies in the ‘eastern’ frontal side. It is also called Upward Plank Pose. Practising Poorvottanasana can be invigorating and uplifting for your mind and body when practised correctly.
Sit with the legs stretched out straight in front of you, keeping the feet together and the spine erect.
Place the palms on the floor around the waist or at shoulder level, fingertips pointing away from you. Do not bend the arms.
Lean back and support the weight of your body on your hands.
Breathing in, raise the pelvis, keeping the whole body straight.
Keep your knees straight and your feet flat on the floor. Place the toes on the ground, and the soles will then tend to stay on the ground. Let the head fall back towards the floor.
Hold the pose and continue breathing.
As you exhale, come back to a sitting position and relax.
Slowly bend forward and hold both your toes with your fingers.
Slowly release your fingers and come back to a normal position and relax.
Keep your neck long. If you feel any compression in your neck, tuck your chin slightly and do not let your head drop all the way back.
Keep your upper back strongly engaged to help lift your body.
Strengthens the wrists, arms, shoulders, back, and spine.
Stretches the legs and hips.
Improves respiratory function.
Stretches the intestines and abdominal organs.
Stimulates the thyroid gland.
Since the whole weight of the body is to be supported mainly by the hands and wrists, people with wrist injuries should avoid this asana. Also, those suffering from any neck injury should either completely avoid doing this posture or use the support of a chair while practising this pose.
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