June 2024
Yoga and Sacred Geometry
This International Day of Yoga Nitya Rajagopal looks at this ancient science from the prism of sacred geometry and concludes that it helps the yogi connect with higher cosmic energies
Today, yoga is highly sought after for its health and wellness benefits. All over the world, avid practitioners swear by its ability to bring balance in body, mind and lifestyle. For people who may not be especially interested in the spiritual potential of yoga, these physical and mental benefits represent the pinnacle of their yogic practice, because they automatically uplift the quality of their lives in a way that can be directly experienced. But for some, who took to yoga to unlock and experience different dimensions of their own consciousness, such tangible benefits are only the beginning. They are the soil in which the knowledge and practice of yoga can take root, blossom and bear fruit.
Decoding union
The word yoga means union, and comes from the Sanskrit root “yuj”, which means to unite. Theoretically, one might interpret this in multiple ways, for example, the union between the individual and the universal consciousness. Intellectually, it sounds plausible. But what does it really mean? What is the “individual”? What is the “universal”? And what is this union between the two? How does it occur?
In modern parlance, the individual and the universal sound like opposing terms, but they have a unique relationship in the ancient Indian tradition. In yoga, the metaphor often used is that of waves in an ocean, where the individual consciousness is likened to a wave rising out of the ocean of universal consciousness.
The secret of sacred geometry
So how exactly does the wave unite with the ocean, so to speak? I believe the science of sacred geometry can offer some clues into the concept. We have all probably been exposed to sacred geometry through images of mandalas and yantras. Although we may not always understand these patterns, we often have an intuitive understanding of their power and importance.
Sacred geometry reflects the creative patterns of Nature and the Universal Intelligence. Apart from their beauty, sacred geometric patterns also hold profound meaning. Sacred geometry is often associated with mystical traditions across the world, perhaps because these intimate secrets of creation had to be experienced, or revealed, in some way, through an intuitive channel, before they could be translated into a visual representation.
Sacred geometry is an integral part of many ancient cultures. In the Indian tradition, it is most often associated with mandalas and yantras, which are said to have a power of their own. What is the difference between the two? Mandalas are temporary, for example drawn on paper, while yantras are permanent, for example, engraved on metal.
Yantras and Mandalas
Traditionally, in temples, yantras were kept inside the sanctum sanctorum, along with the idol of the deity, and it was said that the real power of a deity lay not so much in the idol but in the yantra, or the geometric pattern that held the shakti or the energetic vibration of that deity.
Why is this important? Because it tells us that these geometric patterns are like keys. They are specifically coded to unlock and open the door to a certain dimension of consciousness.
A mandala is not only something that is drawn on paper. It is also a living, breathing entity. The cycle of day and night is a mandala, as is the cycle of seasons in a year. When we perform a series of cyclical sequence of yoga asanas, such as the Surya Namaskar, or pranayama, such as nadi shodhana or alternate nostril breathing, that is also a mandala. And much like mandalas and yantras that are drawn, these mandalas too have the potential to connect us with universal energies which are far beyond our comprehension.
Yoga as living yantra
Yoga is geometry. When we perform yoga asanas, we are creating geometric patterns with the body. It is a living mandala, animated by our own body, breath and awareness. Think of it like a radio. When we tune the radio to a certain frequency, we are able to access a certain stream of information or knowledge. Similarly, when we practice yoga postures, we create specific geometric shapes that tune our systems to receive certain subtle energy frequencies which are coded with unique knowledge, experiences and insights. These subtle universal energies are everywhere. However, much like a radio, we must be tuned correctly and precisely to access them.
Let us take a simple example: the triangle, or trikona. The triangle is a common shape that can be seen in many yantras. Among the many things they symbolise, triangles represent balance and harmony, the coming together of distinct parts to create a coherent whole. We see the number three repeated in many concepts of vedanta, yoga, ayurveda and mythology. For example, the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, which represent the forces of creation, preservation and transformation/destruction in nature. For nature to be in harmony, these three forces must be in balance. The trinity of gunas, i.e. sattva (purity and clarity), rajas (action) and tamas (inertia) are another such example, for these three gunas must be in balance to uphold harmony in nature. Similarly, the entire science of Ayurveda is based on the three doshas, i.e. vata (air), pitta (fire) and kapha (earth and water), which must be in balance for a person to have good health.
In yoga too, the triangle shape is prominent. Imagine you’re sitting in a simple cross-legged position with your hands on your knees. Now, imagine a line connecting both your knees, and another two lines drawn from each of your knees to the point in the centre of your eyebrows. Do you see a triangle? Now think about adhomukha shwanasana, or the downward-facing dog position, where the body resembles the shape of an inverted letter ‘V’. Once again, do you notice the triangle? And trikonasana, or the triangle pose, in which the name itself suggests that the body is supposed to replicate the shape of a triangle. It’s difficult to miss the form of a triangle there!
The triangle shape is important for the body to maintain physical balance, but at a more subtle level, it also facilitates an inner harmony and balance between all the diverse aspects of one’s personality and consciousness. In the world, we find ourselves playing many roles. Our yoga practice offers us a way for all these distinct facets to come into harmony and balance, thus reconnecting us with our inherent wholeness. As this balance becomes more established, a certain tuning happens, which automatically creates a portal for us to experience higher dimensions of consciousness.
This said, it’s important to note that the shapes we create with our bodies are only the surface of the sacred geometry of yoga. In truth, it is not as much about physical geometric forms as it is about a particular energetic tuning. The physical forms, or yoga asanas, are performed through one’s effort. But the subtle energetic tuning cannot be brought about through exertion. It happens on its own.
The mystical, spiritual aspects of yoga are vast and unfathomable. In trying to understand these through the intellect, we might find ourselves becoming increasingly perplexed. However, the key is the experience. No amount of intellectual understanding can substitute direct experience.
So the next time you step on the mat for your yoga practice, remember that you are not only practising asanas, pranayamas and meditation, but you’re also tuning into the creative secrets of the Universe and opening the door to invite the eternal, all-pervading consciousness into your lived experience!
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