Regression Therapists | Spiritual Regression Therapy

All About Regression Therapy

What is Regression Therapy?

Regression, in pure English, means to go back. In the healing sense, regression refers to taking a deep dive into the past or just within, to discover and relive earlier experiences that have led to our present conditions. Past life therapy is an expanded and specialized form of regression therapy.

How does Regression Therapy work?

In regression therapy sessions, a practitioner uses a 'reliving' technique to go back to a time which is the cause of one's present situation. This may be a reliving of past painful experiences in this lifetime or even a past life. The idea is to dig within and unearth forgotten, ignored or repressed experiences that are sub-consciously causing one to think or feel in a particular wrong way, and thereby leading to disease. Further, a regression therapist also reactivates positive feelings, forgotten positive experiences and talents.

Negative experiences of the past generally contain emotional wounds that one has been unable to heal. These wounds caused a pattern of thinking to develop and are lodged in our subconscious, without our being aware of it. They are like sub-conscious programs ('character traits') that are running in the background. These programs only change when we understand how and why they were caused. Going back to and reliving undigested experiences helps to unlock stuck emotions and understand how our present state is a reflection of those experiences.

Book an appointment with a Regression therapy expert here.

What are the benefits of Regression Therapy?

This healing system helps us to deal with specific issues such as -
1. Agonizing psychic and mental pain: deep fear, deep grief, and despair. 
2. Phobias:  scared of heights, animals
3. Inhibition: feeling socially inept, inability to express thoughts and feelings, extreme shyness.
4. Submissiveness: lack of assertiveness, over-adaptation to circumstances.
5. Loss of direction: Where to go? Discovering the life plan, life purpose.
6. Psychosomatic complaints or physical complaints without medical explanation or do not respond to medical care.
7. Relationship problems with parents, children, other family members or partners and problems of connecting with people.
8. Depression
9. Sexual problems
10. Addictions
11. Obesity and eating disorder.
12. Loneliness: feeling lost, abandoned, isolated.
13. Being stuck or blocked: feeling imprisoned, impotent rage.
14. Find the cause and remedy: Disease and Chronic illness.