About Mrs. Meena Chandrasekar

Meena Chandrasekar is a registered Allopathic Medical Practitioner with 23 yrs of Medical practice. She has been a Reiki Master for the past two years and finds herself privileged to supplement the physical and emotional well-being of many individuals throughout my years of service. Her healings are miraculously effective irrespective of any problem. She is certified a Reiki Grandmaster Karuna Reiki Grandmaster, Mindpower Trainer, Crystal Reiki Teacher. She also practises Dowsing, Kundalini Reiki, Angelic Reiki, etc. A rich background allows her to become efficient in the treatment of her patients who seek alternative supplemental healing techniques. Meena believes there is no physical, age or religious affiliation limit in the individuals who want to seek Reiki. Her experience with individuals seeking this therapeutic approach has been extensive. Most of her patients have presented issues of anxiety, stress, chronic diseases; loss of loved one, post-traumatic stress disorder, HIV, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure and the list goes on. Individuals who have been consistent with this therapeutic process report a significant improvement in their overall quality of life. Meena also offers complementary Distant Reiki Demo sessions so that people can experience first-hand qualities of this miraculous approach to healing.


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