About Ms. Smriti Jain Sethu

The journey of Smriieti S Sethu in the spiritual world started after losing a loved one. The passing over was tremendously difficult for her to handle. While she was grappling in the dark to find her way, Reiki found her.

Unaware of this side of life, Smriieti walked in through the doors with many doubts, but she never looked back after that. One after the other, teachers appeared in Smreeti’s life just at the right time and her path kept getting clearer and guided.

Smriieti is a healer. She uses many modalities, Reiki being her favorite. Along with being a Reiki Master, she is a tarot reader, hypnotherapist, numerologist, and does automatic writing.


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What  comfort is this  journal - I tell myself and throw the burden on my book and feel relieved 

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