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What is Automatic Writing

Automatic writing is the practice of writing words in a trance-like state that originates from a place outside of conscious awareness. Psychologists and spiritualists have varying beliefs about the origin of automatic writing, with some arguing that it is sourced from the unconscious mind, and others claiming that it originates from supernatural forces such as spirit guides and angels. Automatic writing is sourced from the unconscious mind which is a doorway into the Soul or Higher Self. This makes automatic writing a wonderful way to gain guidance!

There are many benefits to automatic writing. Here are a few examples:

You gain direct guidance from your Soul/Higher Self
You’ll have more clarity in your daily life as a result
Improved ability to make wise decisions
Your intuitive abilities are sharpened, honed, and developed
You can connect with your Spirit Guides and their perspectives
You feel supported and deeply understood
Improved ability to trust your instincts and intuition

And there are many other benefits, such as the fact that automatic writing is quite a calming practice that literally and metaphorically opens your mind!

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