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"Love Yourself", "Self-love"... things people say.

But do these people also give you the "how to" guide that should accompany those words?

The Love Yourself series is for anyone who is ready to see the magic of their own heart and wishes to reclaim their inner power.


23rd March - Session 1 - Drop the Judgement

Accepting yourself, learning to trust yourself... this is the key to releasing judgement.

Recognise who you have been, discover who you are today... This is the path towards choosing to be all that you can be.


31st March - Session 2 - Circle of Emotions

Understanding negative emotions and working your way through fear, anger, guilt, shame & pain.


6th April - Session 3 - Learn to say "No"

Saying 'yes' or 'no' should be a conscious choice.

Learning to set appropriate boundaries, learning to make conscious choices aligned to your real self... that's a key to loving yourself.


13th April - Session 4 - Watch Your Tongue

Communication is a two way street - speaking & listening.

Changing how you speak & listen to yourself will change how others speak & listen to you too.


20th April - Session 5 - Building Conviction

Why do you do what you do? Because you're a sum of your values & experiences.

Be convinced about what you believe, and you won't feel the need to convince anyone else.


27th April - Session 6 - Redefining yourself

Setting goals & intentions for change.

Who am I choosing to be - physically, emotionally, intellectually & spiritually.

About the organizers/facilitators

  • Chetna is a Healing Practitioner and Life Coach practicing Bio-Touch, Chakra Healing, PositiveAction Coaching, and Oracle Card Reading. Her sense of reality and practical approach towards healing enables her clients to make changes and sustain healthy habits as they move through customized programs. Chetna works with each client over a period of three to six months helping them heal their bodies, strengthen their minds and connect with their emotions. Her aim is to empower her clients with effective tools, be it physical habits, mindsets or emotional behavior to live life to the fullest in alignment with their desires and highest good.  

    Chetna hosts healing retreats and workshops across India. Kanha, Croatia & Sri Lanka are already marked on her 2019 calendar with retreats being planned with Restorative Yoga Therapist & founder of Anam Cara Yoga Retreats, Natasha Mahindra. She also recently started a series of conscious gatherings called Mind It! with Actress & Mental Health Activist, Sarah Jane Dias. They launched the concept with an event focusing on mental health and conversations around it, and are currently planning many such conscious gatherings to address stress points from daily life such as body image, peer pressure as well as social media & it's perils.


  • Online, India


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