About Mrs. Geetesh Mittal

Geetesh Mittal is a Reiki Master (healer) by profession and has been actively involved in spreading the ancient science and art of healing for the last eight years. The teachings of her spiritual teacher Grand Master NK Sharma and Mrs Savita Sharma have been inspirational in pushing her towards serving humanity and also striving to improve herself. Geetesh's spiritual journey began with her breath. She counts herself in the league of those people who are born with innate psychic abilities. Since her childhood, she could connect with the surroundings and exchange energies with the living and non-living beings. No one could answer that why she could see colourful patterns. Through time patterns faded and her life proceeded but not on the usual track. She kept encountering people related to the spiritual path which made her realise that she was born with the inborn healing abilities. Geetesh found the answers to the budding questions in her mind when she got inclined to the Reiki healing. She believes that her contemporary practice exclusively works for the people. She has dedicated her life to the holy path and heal people.


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