About Mr. Mahender Pal Singh


Mahender Pal Singh is a pranic healer, meditation coach, and a Yogic Kriyas Trainer. He has been practising yogic kriyas also known as shatkarma followed by pranayama and meditation since 1992. Swami Devidyal g Maharaj, his Guru taught him various techniques in Delhi ashram (Yog Divya Mandir) near Pared Ground.

He has learned various meditation program like Dhyan Samadhi, Surti Samadhi, etc from Sadguru Trivir in Oshodhara, Murthal, Sonipat, Madhopur Punjab.

As a Pranic Healer, his journey started in 1999 with the basic course in Pranic Healing. As a meditation practitioner, he has learned healing is the next step to continue meditation and these two cannot be separated. The reason is very simple, meditation brings a lot of energies and you can manage these energies only through healing. 


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