About Ms. Ritambhara Nand

Ritambara Nand is a Vedic Tarot Reader, Shamanic Healer and Coach for Conscious Living. After completing her postgraduation in Applied Psychology, she got associated with the Prestigious New Age Foundation for Greater Discoveries in Positive Psychology and Energy Work. Being a Nature Enthusiast and Shaman by heart, Ritambara travelled around the world to explore various Dimensions of Human Behavior. She has completed the Vedic Tarot Training in Goa and Pune with Seekers, Therapists travelling from Native lands of Europe and North America, and those who come to India intending to learn the Eastern Principles. Ritambara is one of the Authors of ‘Holistic Wellness in New Age’, the Best Seller Book ranking in top 3 titles under Holistic Medicine. Her Coaching Sessions are Unique and out of the box as she interestingly combines her therapies with Breath Work and Himalayan Singing Bowl, to release Blocked Energy from the Mind and Body. For her, “Vedic Tarot Reading is the Window to Existence”. It has Empowered her Life, gave her a perception of new possibilities, and helped her connect with the Life Force Energy or Prana or Chi. She is thankful that chose to be in the spiritual field, and is sure that it will evoke changes that will have Profound Effects on people's lives as well.


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