About Ms. Soumya Dixit

Soumya Dixit was born into a traditional Brahmin family. With spirituality in her blood, she was destined to become an Occultist.

Her journey

At the age of 21 during her graduation days, Soumya was practicing this art professionally. She entered this mysterious world with a passion, which grew into a profession.

Soumya enjoys her work wholeheartedly. Her followers believe that she has God-gifted art of tarot.

Soumya embraces her knowledge to empower people to achieve their full potential in their journey towards personal growth in whatever field they are into. Whatever she is today is because of her mother who really invested in her dreams much more than Soumya could ever imagine. Wherever Soumya was stuck, her mother was there to make her realize that she can & she will.

In Soumya's words

"My mother is a source of inspiration to me and she is my soul mentor. After 3 years to this magical journey, nothing is left unachieved. So many blessings & appreciations from people around. Lord Shiva has blessed me with the Divine art of tarot and I feel lucky to have it." 


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