About Mr. Sunny Etimaal Jain

An old yogic soul, who enhanced his divine vision by the blessing & guidance of Divine Energy. He practiced meditation, astral travel from an early age. He learned and practiced many modalities in the field of Occult, Human Consciousness, and Psychology. He works towards integrating the Spiritual Wisdom & Experience of Traditional Energy healing methods with the Modern Scientific studies and technologies of the present era. He is an Engineering Graduate in the field of Electronics & Communication and Diploma in Psychology, Hypnotherapy, and EFT.

He was drawn towards the field of spirituality from the age of 4 with multiple visions and visits of many divine energies. At the age of 19, he noticed that his intuitive faculties and other psychic abilities were getting activated and he started getting more and more attuned with energies that form the basis of our entire existence.

For the past 16 years, he has taken a mission to help & guide people using modalities like Energy Healing, Chakra balancing, Aura cleansing, Elemental Magick, Hypnotherapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom technique), Past Life Regression, Matrix reimprinting, Witchcraft relief, Tarot, Spell Casting, Psychic Visions, Divination, Dowsing, Candle Magick, Tantra, Crystal Healing, Meditation and Life Coaching. He does charity work for indigent people.

Why us?

We join the science, spirituality, emotions, thoughts, mental state, magic, and psychology of the human being together to solve the problems of every individual. Our aim is to satisfy one’s needs, so the window of the divine energies can open to them. Every client is like a family to us, we try to help them as our own.



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