Fulvic Acid Supplement and its Health Benefits
Fulvic acid plays an important role in helping living cells in nutrient absorption according to many scientific studies. This helps our bodies with many health issues that are very common nowadays. Fulvic acid when taken as fulvic ionic minerals makes our food and other consumption very effective making them bio-available. Fulvic ionic minerals that contain fulvic acid and other minerals are known to be the strongest antioxidants and hunters of free radicals that are not good for the human body.
Fulvic acid can react with free radicals in our bodies making them harmless or altering them making a usable compound or finishing them as a waste. Fulvic ionic minerals supplement clean our body from heavy metals and toxic pollutants. Fulvic ionic minerals supplement is considered to be the missing link to wellness and optimal health.
Importance of Organic Fulvic Ionic Minerals
“Every ailment, every sickness, and every disease can be traced back to an organic mineral deficiency” stated Dr. Linus Pauling Nobel prize winner and a celebrated scientist in 1936 to the 74th Congress of the US.
Recent agricultural processes have nearly eliminated naturally producing minerals from the soil. As a result, we are deprived of these natural minerals when we consume our food. These organic trace minerals are nature's gift and cell function is almost redundant without them.
As quoted by the US Senate in 1936 lab tests have proven that all items of human consumption have changed today when compared to some generations ago. We do not have the same grains, fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk, or meat as our previous generations enjoyed. Moreover, it was also quoted that today no one can have enough vegetables and fruits to supply our system with minerals needed for optimal health.
Extraction of Fulvic Ionic Minerals
The shift of glaciers and tectonic plates over a million years ago in the southern US trapped the nutrient-rich land below them. The plant and soil remained there for about 40 million years thus giving us humic shale. Fulvic ionic minerals that are used in supplements are extracted from this shale. These humate deposits are very rare in the world except for this land which gives us a pure source for Fulvic Ionic Minerals. This humate deposit is more effective and concentrated as compared to other deposits. Fulvic ionic minerals penetrate the cells more effectively because of their lower molecular weight. There are other sources of humates too like in New Mexico but they are high in carbon, which makes them ineffective.
Another common misconception about plants is that they process the minerals from the soil directly. The molecules are too large for the processing by plants so the natural solution was from mother nature in the form of microbes that created fulvic ionic minerals by working the roots of plants and trees. These ionic minerals help plants take this rich substance and produce healthy plant results that are full of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. The extra ionic minerals come into the drinking water for us to consume and enjoy the healthy gift of nature.
In modern-day farming practices chemicals and pesticides are used to increase the crop quantity and size disturbing the balance of nature. The use of chemicals and pesticides has almost killed the microbes found in the soil that are needed to create fulvic ionic minerals. Unfortunately to increase crop production and decrease the use of labor this balance of nature and getting healthy crops was ignored thus compromising human health. Plants are prone to diseases without fulvic ionic minerals as they are needed for their nourishment and protection. To deal with plant diseases more and more chemicals and pesticides are used that further destroy the beneficial microbes and hence the ionic minerals.
Everything is interconnected in life. The process is very simple, whatever is given to soil gets to the crops that are harvested and ultimately gets absorbed by our bodies when we consume these plants. It is up to mankind to decide if they want to continue as they are eating food full of harmful chemicals without the essential nutrients or they can go organic. It is a common sight nowadays that people get sick very quickly and it takes a long time to be cured or sometimes the disease carries on their entire life. The reason is straight and simple for this question. The problem starts in the cell before we can see any symptoms. The body gets damaged enough quite before the symptoms are visible. If we continue to consume food that is deficient in vitamins and minerals, it is impossible to maintain good health. So, to overcome these deficiencies it is ideal to consume fulvic acid ionic minerals supplement and incorporate it in our daily routine to get the maximum benefit. Moreover, when choosing for fulvic acid supplement always opt for cold water extracted fulvic ionic minerals as they are free of chemicals using 100% natural process.