Past Life Regression Spiritual Progress

Contributed by :Ms. Jasmeet Kaur
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According to Bhagwat Gita, the Soul, or Atman, is never born, never dies and after coming into existence never ceases to be. It is nitya (always), shasvatah (permanent) and purana (very ancient) (Chapter 2.20).
Hi Friends
Authors Master Healer Jasmeet Kaur & Dr Amit Sabharwall (Phd -Hon)
Today we are going to talk about the difference between Past Life Regression and Spiritual Past Life Regression with the Angels.
Before that are you searching answers to the problems related to Constant Struggle in Job or business challenges , pro longed diseases , painful childhood , parents not loving you , parents being partial to you and loving other siblings , diseases since childhood or Child abuse , or a sorrowful courtship , a painful marriage or Tragic Death of losing near and dear ones in early age or at the time when you needed them the most ,repeated life patterns , being constantly cheated in a relationship , strong connection to certain people and getting hurt by them etc
You will not only get your Answers in Spiritual Past Life Regression but you will also release your Curses, Contracts, Vows and Miseries
Past Life Regression: -A client visits a hypnotherapist and with the help of his/her hypnotherapist the client is taken into hypnosis and further into Past Lives.
A client may see, visualize, hear or feel the events of Past lives.
During these general sessions the client can go through the Past Lives and see the events, which at times can be traumatic as the events of Past live journey could be very disturbing and again seeing / visualizing
the events can disturb the client leaving into energy imbalance, stress and anxiety.
Quite often clients ask that when they tried going into Past lives they couldn’t. The main cause of same is stress, anxiety, imbalance of energies, imbalance of Chakras etc.
Unless the client is not made comfortable, energies grounded, cleared and chakras aligned to peace and harmony the journey could be traumatic or even not possible.
Spiritual Past Life Regression with the Angels : - This is quite different and safest way than the conventional Past Life Regression. In Spiritual PLR you are going to a qualified spiritual healer who is a trained clinical hypnotherapist for your journey through your Past Lives.
To complete the process of going into PLR generally 10-12 sessions are recommended, initial sessions are done to ground the energies, balance the chakras and make client stress free and anxiety free so that when the actual PLR starts the client as well as the energy system, chakras are balanced and stress-free SOUL gets prepared for PLR session.
As we all know the theory of KARMA and Karmic actions has good and bad actions or even reactions, let us help you with the Soul journey pre and post death.
Once a person dies the soul have to go to divine, where Karmic accounting is done as the acts and actions during the lifetime.
Soul then is asked to choose the next lifetime, to choose parents, siblings, future spouses, friends as well as enemies.
After the soul moves to the next lifetime and spends 9 months or so in the mother’s womb upon arrival for the day of birth the baby comes out crying.
Reason of crying is coming back to the materialistic world and now most often babies Horoscope is made and placement of stars are not just simple, it’s the MAP of life’s journey ahead of the baby.
Now comes the interesting part some babies are born with silver spoon some grow up in happy homes and some babies have tough journey right from the birth which could be health issues, non-caring parents or dying early or losing parents early so on and so forth.
As the baby with silver spoons grows up all is good, great parents, great health, happy loving family awesome education and best of the things possible.