Secrets of Palmistry: Beginners Guide to Read Future on Palm
A typical Bollywood scene: the hero, to woo the heroine, asks her to keep her palm on his hand by charmingly lying to her about his palm reading abilities. But did you know that palmistry is a fantastic ancient tradition, which actually does reveal a lot about your past, present, and future? Well, there are some secrets of Palmistry that not even Bollywood movies have revealed.
Palmistry is a great conversation starter and a mystic art in vogue. Palmistry, also known as chiromancy, is actually a predictive science. There are a number of professional palmistry experts and professional palm readers today.
Palm reading or palmistry is the art of reading the lines on one’s palms to be able to predict one’s future. It is also known as chirology.
Palm reading, also called palmistry, has been practiced for ages across the world. Many people still see palm reading with skeptical eyes and disregard it to be an accurate pseudoscience. However, various scientific studies now have evidence that palmistry can help reveal various secrets about one’s life – health, personality, and so on. You can learn hand reading if you have a penchant for 'reading between the lines.'
Palmistry and Lines – Secrets of Palmistry
There are basically four important lines in your palm. They hold the secrets of palmistry. These are:
Fate line
Palmists interpret these lines on the palms of your hands by their characteristics such as their depth, size, length, prominence, and curvature, as illustrated below:
Let us take a look at what each of these lines separately as well as together reveals:
1. Symmetry of lines
Keep your palms right next to each other while trying to make a slightly curved bowl or cup shape with your palms.
If the lines on both the palms are not in alignment symmetrically, it reveals that you have really done a lot of work to try and change yourself. This is revealed especially by the prominent crescent-shaped lines on your palms, which if align in symmetry, form a half-moon crescent shape. The symmetry of lines reveals a lot in the form of the secrets of palmistry.
2. Heartline
Heartline, obviously, reveals the secrets of palmistry relating to your relationships, companionship, and love life.
If your heart line on your palm starts from the side and ends just below your index finger, this can mean a happy love and heart life. On the other hand, if this line ends below your middle finger, it means that you are a bit selfish in love.
If the line ends in between your middle finger and index finger, this means that you fall in love easily and quickly.
In case the heart line is short and straight it means that you are not much into love and romance.
If your heart line is quite close to your fingers, it means that you are very passionate and sometimes even jealous of your relationships. Spaces or gaps within your heart line can indicate heartbreaks and broken relationships, for example, a divorce.
In case the heart line is long and goes all the way up to the other side of your palm, it means that you are not very expressive and keep your feelings to yourself. It means that you usually like to keep your emotions all locked up and away.
If your heart line runs parallel to your headline, it indicates that you can restrain your feelings of heart and love and keep your emotions and feelings in check.
Short lines crossing over your heart line indicate that you have difficulty remaining faithful to your partner.
3. Headline
The headline can help reveal some of the best secrets of palmistry.
A short headline reveals that you are more involved and interested in physical activities than in intellectual activities and activities involving intense thinking. It indicates that you enjoy physical challenges more than the mental ones.
If the headline is super straight and is all the way across your palm, it reveals that you are a very logical and straightforward person.
If the headline, on the other hand, is quite curved and not running straight on your palm, it means that you are unable to focus strongly mentally. You change your mind and thinking frequently. It indicates that you usually find it difficult to remain focused and tend to move from one thing to another.
If your headline falls down all the way to your wrist, it means that you are quite a trusting and creative person. It also means that you trust others.
Small circles in your headline represent emotional difficulties and challenges in your life. These circles indicate emotional upheavals and turmoil.
Formations of cross-roads shapes in your headline represent important decisions that you had to take in your life and that proved to be life-altering.
If your headline does not touch your lifeline, it indicates that you are an adventurous person. This spirit of adventure can also be perceived as a bit of recklessness wherein the person does not think much before acting.
On the other hand, if the headline and lifeline are very close to each other and are even almost blending together, then it indicates that the individual is open-minded and carries independent thoughts.
4. LifeLine
The lifeline is the vertical line on your palm which is closest to your thumb. It is also called "Jeevan Rekha."
The lifeline contains and reveals the ultimate secrets of palmistry. Contrary to popular opinion, your lifeline doesn’t really tell you how long you will live. It rather tells you how you are and will live your life. It actually represents not the years but the quality of your life.
Having more than one life in your palm (yes, this is very much a possibility!) can indicate you are a very cheerful, bubbly, and vibrant person. You are pretty much the center of any party.
A curved lifeline indicates you are a strong personality.
A straight lifeline, on the other hand, indicates that you usually take some time before doing anything.
A deep lifeline indicates an inclination more towards pleasures and less towards mastery of the self. It also indicates good enthusiasm for life and the willingness to achieve your highest potential.
A shallow lifeline, on the other hand, can indicate a lack of ambition and drive.
Circles in the lifeline can indicate injuries or illnesses throughout your life.
To sum it up, the longer, clearer, deeper, and more prominent the lifeline, the better it is considered to be for an individual. If the lifeline is not broken and is auspicious, then a person will enjoy a healthy and happy life.
5. Fate line
Your fate line is the line right in the middle of your palm.
The fate line is the best-kept secrets of palmistry. It reveals some of the best secrets of palmistry. The fate line is the line running all the way straight across your palm, right in the middle. This line crosses all the other lines in its path and hence is called the fate line. The fate line connects everything.
A straight and deep fate line indicates a very successful and promising career. A relatively faint and light fate line can indicate job and career dissatisfaction.
If the fate line has various other lines coming out of it, it indicates problems and changes in your career and work life. It is an indication of a turbulent career.
If your fate line starts at the same place as your lifeline does and then splits off later, it represents that you are an entrepreneur and possess a strong entrepreneurial spirit.
The fate line crossing the lifeline, on the other hand, indicates deep bonds and connections with people.
If the fate line connects in the middle of your lifeline, it reveals that you are usually willing to give up on what is important to you for the sake of other people and are willing to compromise.
Besides the above 5 best secrets of palmistry revealed by the major lines on our palms, there are other secrets that our palms can reveal. Let us take a look at them too.
More secrets
1. Triangles
The lines on our palms are also nothing but representations of energies – positive and negative energies in our lives.
Triangular marks on your palm represent positive energies.
A triangle-shaped marking on the palm on the Apollo line or the sun line indicates a possibility of achievement of fame in for an individual, especially in his or her middle-age life. In fact, the exact age when a person would achieve fame can also be calculated from the lines on the palm. To do this, the Apollo line or the Sunline is divided by the ratio of a person’s lifetime and placement of a triangle.
2. Crosses
Crosses and cross markings on your palm indicate negative energies.
A cross in a person’s palm can indicate literal doom. It is a strong indicator of long-term and long-lasting problems, issues, and challenges in a person’s life.
Crosses also indicate strong and big upheavals in one’s life. The placement of the crosses in the lines on your palms indicates whether the change or upheaval would be positive or negative for you.
Generally, palmists consider crosses as a representation of some outside harm or stress coming your way. Crosses in your palms also represent the state of your mind.
3. Negative markings and symbols
There are certain symbols, lines, and markings on our palms that indicate negative energies. They further indicate negative times and emotions like pain, trauma, anger, health issues, separation, and other issues, challenges, and difficulties that a person may face in life.
On the other hand, various symbols and markings on the palm also indicate resolutions of these negative energies and problems. They also represent healing, healing time, and time of recovery for a person.
The secrets of palmistry, therefore, include knowledge of the negative aspects of your life too.
4. Breaks in lines
The breaks in the lines on your palm, especially in the major lines can reveal some of the best secrets of palmistry and about your life. What these breaks in the various lines represent depends on where the breaks appear on these lines as well as on the placement of the lines themselves.
If there is a break in the upward direction towards the thumb, it indicates a new direction in your work life and career.
Similarly, if the break appears in the upward direction towards the edge of your hand, it indicates an unexpected or unplanned journey.
If the break, however, is in the downward direction and points to the base of your palm, it indicates completely unexpected twists and turns in your mundane and routine life.
Breaks simply indicate, quite literally, disruption or disturbance in the flow of energy, which can point to a completely new direction in your life.
5. Chains in lines
Chains like markings in your palms indicate that you have had to face various obstacles in your life. It can indicate that you may have had a rough and difficult childhood or a tough upbringing.
Markings of chains in your palms can also indicate experiences of love, health issues, and also about your nature.
The chain-like pattern on your palms indicates your weak nature and immunity. Usually, soft hands contain this pattern.
A longer chain marking on your palm indicates that the problem would persist for a longer time.
6. Grilles
Grilles are usually present on the palm mounds. The grilles indicate compromises and problems in one’s life.
A grille on any part of the palm is an indication of an insecure individual who can easily be bewildered. This insecurity can usually be a hindrance and challenge for an individual, both personally and professionally.
Grilles in your palms can also indicate irritable behavior, anxiety, and exhaustion in life. Grilles, like other markings on your palm, reveal various secrets of palmistry.
7. Islands
Islands usually indicate an unfavorable and unwanted interruption in life. They indicate the presence of a lot of stress in life - is personal (in relationships) as well as professional (in career and work).
The presence of islands on your palms can indicate that you are a weak individual with weak health and get tired easily.
The formation of an island on the lifeline can indicate suicidal tendencies in an individual.
8. Squares
Square-shaped formation on your palms indicates protection. But this is the case only when these squares appear in line breaks. Squares represent symbols of good luck and that the person would come across a mentor or guru who would provide him or her guidance towards the right path.
A square formation on the line with no breaks indicates imprisonment or suffocation.
Square formations on the lifeline indicate that the person is well-protected in his or her life.
9. Stars
Stars contain various secrets! Similarly, stars on our palms contain various secrets of palmistry. The presence of star-shaped formation on your palm can quite literally make you a star. It implies good luck and good fortune, especially if the star is present on the right amount and the right line.
The presence of a star-shaped formation on your lifeline indicates big trouble.
the appearance of a star at the end of a line represents achievements, accolades, accomplishments, and fame for an individual. It also represents good relationships.
A star formation on the Saturn line, however, indicates emotional and relationship upheavals, poor career choices, and misfortune.
10. Tassels
Tassels are also called frayed lines. These tassels or frayed lines indicate chaos and utter confusion in one’s life. This chaos and confusion can lead to a decline in an individual’s life – physically, emotionally as well as spiritually.
Tassels are usually found at the end of the lifeline and appear as a person ages.
Myths around palmistry and secrets of palmistry
There are many myths around palmistry. For example, a person with a long fate line or the line of Saturn is assumed to be very rich or to become very rich.
Another common myth is that a person with a short lifeline has a short life.
Similarly, many people wrongly believe that if the long lifeline is cut in the middle or bisected by the line of mercury, it is dangerous for one’s life.
One of the most interesting misconceptions in palmistry is that if a person has more than one marriage line in his or her hand, he or she would have many marriages! One of the secrets of palmistry is in fact that the marriage line actually reveals the sexual potential of a person. Hence, multiple marriage lines indicate long-lasting relations for a person and a good quality of sexual life.
Last but not least…
The patterns of lines etched onto our palms surely do reveal a lot of secrets about us and our lives. Today, extensive research is being carried out in the field of palmistry to help reveal the various secrets of palmistry.
Constant research and study of palmistry as science has revealed many secrets of palmistry. It has been discovered that the science of palmistry does have a definite physiological and psychological basis.
The lines on our palms contain various palmistry secrets. These symbols and marking on our palms usually do have some deep meanings. Consult a trained and experienced palm reader to know more about the secrets of palmistry. Let the lines in your palms reveal some incredible various secrets about your life. You can also learn palmistry, but make sure you do this through a trained and reputable palmist.
If you are in the capital of India, you can enroll in palmistry classes in Delhi. They are easily available and reasonable.
Changing lines!
It should be noted that the lines on the palms of your hands are always changing. The lines you currently have on your palms might not have even been there about a year ago. They might, in fact, be drastically different from what they were five years ago.
Though palm reading and palmistry can help you give a broad and tentative outline of your life, it is not a definitive and absolute prediction of the course your life will take.
You have the ultimate power to create your own destiny by your choices. Palmistry, on the other hand, is simply reading and that too a diagnostic reading. It can help you point out the various forces operating within and around you in your life and their possible outcomes. It is then up to you to accept them as they are or work towards changing them for the better!
Palmistry is a fun and serious science that promises to reveal a lot about you and your life. It can also help you prepare better to face as well as enjoy life. Explore more about the secrets of palmistry by attending the Learn Palmistry in Delhi. However, always remember that we make our own destinies by our choices. As such we can literally even change the lines on our palms!
Author Bio:
Shilpi Goel is a content curator, writer, and an avid reader. She is a Reiki master healer and an aspiring life coach. Having experienced tremendous personal and professional growth Shilpi feels passionate about sharing her learning with others. Being a firm believer in the fact that we all have the power to shape our destiny and life, Shilpi seeks to share her insights on spirituality, personal growth, holistic well-being, and life in general!