New Strategies for Dysfunctional Tear Syndrome
Much like everything else in life, it can sometimes be easy to take your vision for granted until a problem arises. For many people, vision issues can stem from dysfunctional tear syndrome, also known as dry eye disease (DED). It’s an issue that arises when the glands responsible for tear production aren’t producing enough to keep the eyes moist.
There are even situations where the eyes produce tears, yet the poor quality of the tears results in evaporation before it can do anything meaningful for your eyes. Fortunately, there are many new strategies for DED, and dry eye medicine is readily available. Here are just some of the latest advancements for dysfunctional tear syndrome.
The linking of proper lifestyle changes to DED
First and foremost, it’s crucial to note that excellent vision can be readily obtained by making the necessary lifestyle changes. Much like any other part of your body, it’s possible to keep the eyes healthy by getting enough sleep, as well as a proper and balanced diet. Eating healthy and getting enough fruits and vegetables in your diet gives your body the energy and tools it needs to improve your vision and keep your eyes in tip-top shape.
It cannot be overstated that DED is a lifestyle disease more than anything else. With many lifestyle and environmental factors affecting your odds of getting dysfunctional tear syndrome, it's vital to push for a healthier lifestyle — not just for your eyes but also for your general health.
The use of artificial tears and ointment
When it comes to the general treatment of dry eyes, lubricants are one of the primary strategies, as they can help keep your eyes lubricated, effectively avoiding the many symptoms of DED. Advancements in technology have allowed artificial tears to play a more prominent role in treatment, ensuring that those suffering from mild symptoms won't have to worry.
That said, there are situations where the symptoms are more severe. In those cases, it's best to use prescription ointment or gels. There are also anti-inflammatory medications that could potentially help the eyes produce tears. The good news is that there's a form of treatment available, no matter the scenario.
The forms of treatment when the tears drain too quickly
For situations where the tears are draining too quickly to make a difference, there are some solutions to the problem. For example, punctal occlusion is a procedure where the doctor places a plug into the tear drain, allowing the tears to apply moisture to the eyes successfully. There's also surgery where the doctor makes the lower eyelids tight enough for the eyes to keep the tears.
There are also eye inserts about the size of a grain of rice that’s placed near the lower eyelids to help provide lubrication. There are plenty of different treatments for dysfunctional tear syndrome, and the good news is that there are always strides when it comes to the treatment and care of the eyes. Those with DED won’t have to worry about worsening vision, as there are always methods to solve the issue.