The Rejuvenating Benefits Of Yoga For Seniors
There are many advantages to getting older like increased wisdom and the opportunity to enrich life with more experiences. Unfortunately, the disadvantages of aging can be difficult to bear for many seniors. A decrease in mobility due to a loss in flexibility and balance and a variety of health conditions that can make it tough to stay in good shape is partially to blame.
The risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease all increase with the natural aging process. Although seniors are living longer and healthier lives than ever before, it takes a certain amount of effort and mindfulness to stay in good enough shape to really be able to enjoy the golden years of life.
Seniors that live an active lifestyle are consciously putting their efforts into maintaining a healthy diet and exercise level. Even for those that need some in-home assistance from top-rated firms like, staying fit can have some great benefits.
One of the most recommended forms of exercise for seniors is yoga. This ancient physical regime can be helpful for the mind and the body in people of all ages but is especially helpful for seniors that are battling their body’s natural aging process. From stretching, balance exercises and mindful meditation, yoga can have excellent benefits for seniors.
Balance & Stability
There are a variety of yoga poses that help to restore balance and stability within the body. By building up the core muscles, these yoga practices can help reduce the risk of a fall that could be devastating for seniors. Even if a fall were to occur, seniors that practice regular yoga are more likely to bounce back faster from any injury.
Reduces Blood Pressure
Seniors are in the largest group that is likely to develop cardiovascular problems due to high blood pressure. It’s been found that seniors that regularly practice yoga have lower levels of oxidative stress. This means that they have better circulation, which helps to prevent a build-up of stress on the heart that can cause heart disease or a heart attack.
Stress Management
Yoga has been used for a millennium to help people focus their minds and reduce stress and anxiety. The mind and body connection that comes from yoga cannot be found in any other exercise endeavor. Seniors that practice restorative yoga, mindfulness meditations, and breathing exercises find that they feel less depressed and anxious and are able to enjoy their lives with more joy.
As our bodies age, our muscles and joints tend to become shortened and deteriorated. A lack of flexibility is common in seniors and this can make it difficult to get around in the same way. Low impact yoga stretching can help you to gently strengthen and loosen your muscles and lubricate your joints, making normal movements easier and more comfortable.
Practicing yoga regularly can help seniors to become more mindful of their body and their minds. Harnessing the power to control emotions, relieve stress, and strengthen the body can have great benefits for the older generation and help them to live their golden years in health and happiness.