How to Handle Your Mood Swings with Ease and Perfection?

Contributed by :Ms. Aaira Love
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If your moods fluctuate and it doesn’t take much to make you anxious, situations that you used to look forward to and handle with ease, such as entertaining friends and family, can suddenly leave you feeling overwhelmed and irritable.
Hormone imbalances cause many women to overreact to things that never used to faze them. Beyond the physical changes you’re going through at this time, you may also be dealing with an empty nest, aging parents, break-ups, grief issues, or just generally taking stock of your life.
Is it moodiness or depression?
If your anxiety and mood swings are strong enough to interfere with your daily life, you may be clinically depressed or have other health issues that your holistic healer/counselor/ coach can help you with. While hormone imbalance may be part of the problem, it may not be the whole picture.
According to doctors, the release of biochemicals and hormones in our body manages the overall functioning of our system:: physically, emotionally and mentally.
Why do these biochemicals and hormones become imbalanced in your body?
As per the holistic approach for overall well-being, there needs to be harmony in the working of the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of life.
Solutions: What you can do to ease your symptoms
There are many things you can do to feel better. You can make some of these lifestyle changes today to help your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
For the physical body - exercise, breathing, proper food, and rest are needed.
- Eat a healthier diet, free of processed foods. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store, where the most nutritious foods are found.
- Limit your caffeine intake; drink less coffee
- Spice up your diet with herbs that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties like turmeric (also known as curcumin), garlic, rosemary, and cayenne.
- Go for a walk, take the stairs. Exercise gets your endorphins moving and helps alleviate symptoms associated with menopause.
- If you’re a smoker, seek the support you need to quit. On average, women who smoke experience menopause symptoms two years earlier than non-smokers. And smokers’ symptoms are often stronger and more troublesome.
For the emotional body - Healthy emotions like kindness, caring, sharing, forgiving are needed for self as well as for others.
- Make time to do the things you love, whether it’s relaxing with a good book or pursuing a favorite hobby.
- Make a practice of non-violence communications.
- Get your life in order; getting rid of clutter can reduce your overall stress and help you manage midlife challenges.
For the mental body - learning skills and technique for working capabilities or self-development and meditation
- Get more rest and a better night’s sleep. Recommendation - Sound Therapy.
- Read books or play mental games.
You are unique, so your coach should create an individualized plan for you detailing the type, timing, and dosage of your therapy needed.
I believe that all women can empower themselves when they start the journey to know and understand the real needs.