How to Find Inner Peace and Avoid the Three Poisons

Contributed by :Ms. Pooja Bisht
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Inner peace is more of self-acceptance and awareness.
Everyone can find peace. But the journey can be simultaneously hard and simple, depending on the individual. A mind is a remarkable gift but can easily get pretty pesky, especially when it cannot avoid negative thoughts.
Inner peace goes hand in hand with inner silence. Silence may be underrated and not considered in this era but is essential. This may be achieved through meditation, visualization or other means.
There are several ways to acquire inner peace, which include tending to the garden of our own minds. This is being conscious of what we keep to ourselves, what we share with others, thoughts and attention. One cannot escape the truth that so much time and energy are spent on gossiping, finding faults in others, judging others and making excuses. These thoughts are useless and invade one’s inner space and do not contribute to inner welfare.
How to quiet the mind
Several rules to quiet the mind are:
Say what you mean and mean what you say. This applies when you are about to say something, make a firm decision of what you actually mean. Rather do not make an excuse since it may stir your inner peace.
You may think that casual comments to a friend are harmless but, inside, you clearly know you do not mean what you say. This becomes a habit and eventually will develop a guilty conscience that distracts you most often.
You should not say to anyone unless you say to everyone.
It is the pure truth that most of us love some form of gossiping, very quick to note the wrongs of others and share with our close friends. Looking carefully into the situation is that we gain nothing, instead, create negative energy and inner conflict that corrupt the inner peace. To avoid this, one should commit to himself/herself not to say anything to a person unless they can shout it to the world.
Another rule states that one should not say what he cannot say outside. Since you may never speak out what you say to the privacy of your mind, you think that you are the only one affected by low self-esteem and anxiety. Thus, what you are unable to say out to people, don’t entertain it inside your mind.
Lastly, one should not say unless it is true, useful, or kind.
From inner peace to world peace
Inner peace knowledge is very important. If a person can get inner peace, thus, individual peace is automatic and world peace becomes a reality.
When our mind is quiet, our intellect becomes sharper, emotions become lighter, and our behavior becomes more palatable.
Peace is not the absence of difficulties, but a positive phenomenon to deal with them. Inner peace is the key to world peace. World peace cannot be achieved with individuals boiling from the inside, ready to explode. If those people can do nothing more to their affairs, not only they explode, but also the entire nation.
The three poisons
Other fires, which cause human suffering and harm world peace at large are greed, hatred, and ignorance. They are commonly referred to as the three poisons.
- The impact of greediness creates economic disparities among racial, ethnic groups, and between countries at large.
- Deep hatred gives rise to tribal and ethnic conflicts
- Violence causes a denial of the basic principles of life.
All combined cause the absence of world peace.
The state of mind, which ceaselessly strives to do away with this egocentrism, is that it acquires inner peace and contributes to world peace. The person is full of wisdom and overflows with a heart of compassion. Deep breathing, planetary peace of mind and forgiveness create inner peace.
Deep breathing increases oxygen to organs. This is essential for the normal functioning of the immune system and living a disease-free life. One should focus on breathing during meditation, which helps in quieting the mind.
Spiritual teachers have taught that forgiveness heals. It helps recover bad moods, acquire optimism, recover from all challenges and bring inner peace. Forgiveness improves the quality of life, creating a healthier and happier environment with those surrounding you, thus, enhancing world peace.
Other ways that can help a person find calmness include setting limits, finding a relaxation technique that is best for you, and clarifying anything before tackling it. By doing this there will be inner peace and, eventually, world peace.