Acceptance of ourselves with compassion and affirmations
We often do not accept ourselves and this then leads to many issues we grapple with. The universe has made each of us unique in our own way. Accepting ourselves as we are with warts if any is the best way of living, loving and growing.
There is too much comparison nowadays with almost everyone we know, see or even hear about. This is surely a challenge in our era. The moment a new movie or even an advertisement becomes popular in the media, almost everyone wishes to use that attire as a way of projecting themselves. One could call our era an era of complexes. A while ago, my daughter, who was then a teenager, had a huge complex about her looks. She would keep changing one attire after another and yet never be satisfied with how she looked. At that time, she also had a complex about almost everything, her diction, her friends, rather lack of friends and then her background, being from a middle class family in an upper class area. It was then that my late mother- in- law took her aside and told her she needed to accept and then love herself for only then will she become better in all areas. She asked her to become friendly with everyone, whether they spoke to her or not. She asked her to wear whatever dress she liked whether others liked it or not. In a short period of time, she became comfortable in her own skin and everyone around her became comfortable too.
This taught her and me an important lesson of life. We need to accept our own self and only then others will be comfortable with us.
Even Louise Hayes mentions this as an important aspect of being grateful for all that we have in life.
Mantras of life
Nowadays, people call upon angels to guide them. To me and in fact, to all of us, people around us are angels sent by God. This is the design of life and the universe. Knowing this, let us work on accepting ourselves and then work on ourselves.
We shall be happy only when we love who we are right now! We need to love all aspects of our personality, despite any warts or imperfections we may have. We must believe we are absolutely perfect just as we are to help us accomplish our purpose and our goals.
This does not mean that we need not work on any aspect. We need to, of course, to become better in all aspects. We need to work both on our strengths and weaknesses to enjoy our journey. Consequently, we shall indeed become better as that is how life is designed. In this design, our only competitor is our own self, of the past. This is indeed the one and only target we need to have and follow.
My late grandfather used to sing a ditty to all of us, “Day by day, in every way, I shall be better and better and better. So help me God, so help me God.” Till today, this is something that remains relevant to me, yes, everyday, in fact, every minute. For this mantra is something imparted to to me by my angel, my late grandfather.
We could create our own affirmation to appreciate everything and everyone around us.Most of all, let us affirm to become the best version of ourselves.