Use the tonic of love and not the toxicity of control in life
Control never really works as it destroys the other person’s self-esteem and this then makes it more negative than positive. Love however always works for it is indeed designed to bring people together and is therefore always positive.
My late mother-in-law, who had nine children, always spoke about never scolding her children but using the tonic of love to motivate them to study and do well in life. I do not know about other families but this certainly worked very well for her as all the children grew up with robust self-esteem though they all were very different from each other. This then made them achieve many things in life. Many people nowadays feel we should scold children to keep them in check but I do differ as there are too many issues due to lack of self-esteem.
Love, the eternal tonic
There are too many people getting stressed and depressed nowadays. This is something that is alarming, for this happens even to those with enough material wealth. Even the World Health Organisation says depression is the most common mental health disorder. Depression is the most common byproduct of lack of self-esteem and this is why we all need to use other approaches, especially with children as these are budding lives. Something we all can do is expose children to motivational, positive videos so that they themselves wish to emulate such people. These generally bring in positive vibes to the entire environment so this is truly a win-win situation.
Report cards of love
There are all kinds of reports and report cards available nowadays, of the most important people, important countries, so on and so forth. Since this is the trend nowadays, we too can do this with our children in a positive way. For this, all we need is a good intention. With this, the way will emerge automatically.
Without speaking about the negative things a child does, we can create a report card of our own with love marks given for the positive things a child does. When we do this, the focus also shifts to the positive things done by the child.
In one of the schools my children went to, the principal had a unique system of rewarding all those who extended help to others. This was a great success as everyone kept looking around for all that they could do. This in turn created a competition of a different kind, positive and not negative. Till today, my children love this school more than any other place they went to.
We have seen in all areas that it is the love and bonding that we value, never those who judged or put us down in any area. The fact is, it is indeed feelings that govern us, both positive and negative. This is why choosing the right feelings is perhaps the most important part of our lives. Hence, if we wish to motivate others, let us create bonds of love. This is how we can play a small part in creating a better world.
Everywhere, life shows us that the bond of love is always the most important for all. While control creates divides, love unites and bonds people with each other.