Emotions and Hand-writing

Contributed by :Mr. Naresh Mintri
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I am very fond of saying “Everything in life begins in your mind and ends there.” I do not say this with a sense of bravado but from a deep study of my own life experiences.
Ever since I got into a detailed study of Holistic Healing and Mind Control methods, I have used any spare time I have to sit back and reflect on all that which life has given me, both the good and the bad. I have tried to be non-judgemental, about my achievements and failures. I did not take credit for all the good that I got, or the accomplishments. Nor, did I put the blame squarely on the shoulders of destiny for failures. This is what we humans usually do. Apart from putting it all down to Karma, fate, destiny, I tried to delve and find out what I could possibly have been thinking when certain things happened in life.
As an Energy Healer, we have a belief that any emotion in the mind, good or bad, has a direct impact on the physical well-being of an individual. If you wish to heal yourself, take care of your emotions. Work on them and see things changing for yourself, both within and without. I have in the past, in many of my blogs, discussed how various emotions affect us.
Remember…. It’s only when you are different, does the world respond differently. This is a truism of life. What you give out, comes back to you!
Coming back to that line that everything begins in the mind and ends there.
A few days back, I overheard a conversation (bad manners of me, but I did do a peek-a-boo, and you’ll know why soon) between a graphologist and a potential customer. We were both trying to woo that person with our specialities. This potential client asked this graphologist as to how graphology works and how it can help him.
The practitioner explained what graphology is. How they analyse a person’s hand-writing and tell him about his nature, behaviour, traits, etc. So far so good, I went with his description. He went on to add that they help a person change his handwriting and change himself! This is what got my goat and got me to put on my thinking cap. My question, to me of course, was “If the person’s present emotional state, which is what determines his nature and behaviour, is reflected in his handwriting, then in order to change the handwriting, you need to work on the root first, change his emotions, not the other way round. You cannot have the fruit first and then grow roots in a tree, can you?
I will share a case I worked on, and which I have shared in my Facebook posts, and probably in one of my blogs too. There was this gentleman, otherwise very loving and caring, who somehow fell into bad company and picked up undesirable habits, eg. alcohol and womanising. The wife wanted to help him improve and change himself and started going to all sorts of healers for help and guidance. She went to two graphologists too, first being a student and the other being the student’s master himself. Both, after assessing the handwriting of this person, had one advice. “This person is a compulsive alcoholic and womaniser, he cannot change, simply dump him and move on (period).”
Here comes my answer, to the question on which I was mulling over in the previous paragraph. The handwriting was based on the emotional state of the delinquent husband, and the ‘negative emotions’, as we energy healers classify it, was the cause why he indulged in these acts. So, the analysis was done based on what was happening at a particular point of time, and was not an assurance that a change could be effected in future.
Someone asked this disturbed lady to come and visit me. She came and narrated her pain and also what the others, including an astrologer, had told her. Dump him was out of the question for her. When asked why she replied “I did not marry him to dump him if he changed in future. I will stand by him and help him change his ways, become better and responsible.” Wow! What a statement. This just bowled me over. In a world where partners dump each other at the slightest hint of discord; where vows like “till death do us part” carry no meaning; where dictate likes ‘my way and no other way’ rule the roost, this statement caught me by surprise. When asked, “Why to be different and not move on,” she replied, “I love him!” I promised to help her, as best as I could.
See how is her being different brought about a different response from me?
This is where I brought my learning of energy healing and mind control into use. That premise where emotions play a crucial part in a person’s life for better or for worse. Change this emotional energy and change the person. I had to use a combination of multiple mind control tricks, combined with energy healing, to bring about a gradual change in the person’s thinking. No, I did not force my thinking on to the person. I respected that teaching about a person having a free will to do that which he would like to do. I sent out my healing with a caveat “If it is in his best interest and for the highest good of all concerned, may (so and so) be done.”
A couple of months down the line, this person told his wife that he would like to mend his ways and if she knew of someone who could help. Without telling him that she was working with me, behind his back, she brought him over. Since then, a person is a changed man. I do not know if his handwriting has changed or not. I would be interested to know, but not being a graphologist, couldn’t ask for it. Nor could I ask her to take a sample to those who had asked her to dump him and get it analysed again. What mattered for both her and me was that he had changed!
Having shared all this, I come back to the explanation of the overheard conversation. Which comes first? Change the emotional energy and help change the handwriting, or is it the other way round?
To conclude, all I can say is that we have so many modalities in alternative healing to help a person, and they all help in their own ways. There is no modality which can say to be better than the other. What is most important is to take care of one’s mind…..the way of thinking and perceiving things, and responding to them. Whatever you do is recorded in the sub-conscious mind today and becomes the programme for future responses in like situations. This is why they say “Take a moment to think before reacting. Do not think after reacting.”
And where does this thinking take place? In the mind, of course!
Before I conclude, I would like to add another word about Hypnotherapy. Not every ailment is a creation of the mind, needing help with working on the mind. There are some issues which have the energy aspect also, like attachments, and they have to be dealt with by an energy healer who knows how to handle such cases. Energy attachments can be sensed when someone feels uneasy in certain places, and not at other places. Had it been the mind, they would have felt the same everywhere. Just don’t jump and go to a Hypnotist for help, he may not be helpful in every case, though he can help in most cases.
If there is some work stuck, and you are unable to find a way out of the mess, a change in the energies of all involved can help find a solution. This could even be a change in the way of thinking for a solution. Energy healers come in handy here.
P.S.: As this comes towards the end of 2019, here’s wishing all my readers “A very happy and positive thinking 2020. May you all be blessed with good health and happiness.”