Tribute to may father
A Tribute to my Father.
One Man Batallion: Late Mr Choithram J Bijlani
Once my father was deputed to a village where dacoits used to trouble them for the booty. Our father asked for the help of the battalion, to which the British Govt agreed. Dacoits sent message to keep the booty at a specific place on a day. Dad informed the department who agreed to send a horse-mounted battalion a day earlier. An insider informed the dacoits about it. 2 days before the agreed date a man came running and informed my dad that dacoits were on their way. The battalion was to arrive the next day. My dad hastily mounted the horse and rode towards their den. Dacoits heard the sound of running hoofs and thought that the battalion had arrived and turned back to their den. My dad returned. Villagers were too scared to come out. When they saw only our father, all came out to find the truth. The next day when the battalion came, instead of seeing scared villagers they found them in a festive mood. The matter was reported to their headquarters. He was appreciated and given a Certificate of Gallantry, which hung from the roof to the floor in our home (now in Pakistan)
I am proud to call myself the daughter of a Brave Man who Risked his Life to save Lives and Hard-Earned Products of the Villagers.
When the census was being conducted most people didn’t know their date of birth so to fill up the column, our father would ask them whether they were born in winter or summer. Accordingly, he mentioned their birth dates as 1 January or 1 June.
The practice started by our father is still in use in India.
He was The Best at handling the Locusts and Census
Although he was just a matriculate, he was promoted as District Magistrate, the highest post during British Rule. Once a witness was asked to hold Quran Sharif in his hand and swear. He had never heard of it nor seen it so he asked the lawyer to produce it to decide. When he saw the holy book he exclaimed that he could lift 10-20 and swear on it. My dad realised the problem of ignorance. He suggested that witness would be asked to swear by placing their hands on the Holy Book.
To date, the practice continues.
After the partition, he preferred to stay back in Pakistan as he was not sure of any vacancy in India. The Chief Commissioner of Pakistan was travelling from India to Pakistan by train. He encountered a mob in the compartment, who thought that he was a Hindu since he was decently clothed and looked educated. He told them that he was Muslim but they refused to believe him. They made him undress to prove his religion. He was a good friend of our father. He told our father that his countrymen were fanatics. There was no place for other religious people to survive there.
Our father was taken aback and he decided to quit Pakistan. He submitted his resignation which was rejected immediately. He decided to leave for India with his family. When he did not report for duty for a few days, a personal messenger was sent to our house, who reported that the house was deserted. Immediately a search was conducted at all Railway stations, and efforts were made to locate and call him back but he managed to reach India.
Indian Government requested the Pakistan Government to relieve him as he was the best at handling Census & Locust. Pakistan's Government replied that he had already left Pakistan a few days back. The new Indian Government located him through repeated announcements on the radio, requesting him to join duty in the Central Secretariat, New Delhi.
After he retired, his successors could not handle the huge amount of work that he used to do, so it was split into 6 Departments
With Regards,
Mrs.Sona Kumar
91 98201 95874
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