I Can't Eat

Contributed by :Mrs. Neelima Malhotra
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- In the course of my healing journey I’ve witnessed many stories, interacted with many beings, saw a varied spectrum of emotions and some stories stayed with me for a longer time than others.
With the intention that it may resonate with the reader’s feelings, I would be posting some real life experiences, mine and others’. Without naming the characters, I would just call them Man, Woman, boy, girl, soul or energy [as they identify themselves, not necessarily their birth gender or identification]
A woman came to me seeking help; she was not able to eat properly for over a month now.
Specifically, she couldn’t fill her plate with fresh food; even the thought of a well-cooked filling meal would make her nauseous. However, she was able to eat little snacks like chips and cookies. Later, she confessed that she was scared of food in some strange way and that this could be some sort of negative energy or a curse. That’s how she decided to learn meditation and try therapy with me.
After a few meditations sessions, therapy and digging, I found out that she worked for a social work organisation and had recently rescued two preteen boys from a factory, where the boys worked as bonded labourers and were given leftover food from the servings of the employer.
This had terribly disturbed the woman, but she did not think it could trigger such a reaction as she was in social service for a long time and had seen many disturbing situations.
Further digging, therapy and meditative silence lead to remembrance of an incident of her childhood where she had encountered a little girl working at a relative’s household who was not given enough to eat and the girl used to lick plates with leftover food crumbs. This woman had seen this and was very deeply impacted.
She felt better and promised to meditate to detox emotionally on regular basis.I explained to her, as we eat and bathe everyday for physical body, cleansing and energisation of our energy body is also required.
Our today's fears, habits, beliefs, relationships, gains and losses are shaped by our past experiences and learnings. Understanding the past is liberating the present.