Kidney donor stories: This story by living donor can shock!
You may have heard many kidney donor stories. Here is one shockingly different from others. It comes straight from the heart, raw and unpolished, words that may touch your soul. The donor confesses it was a spiritual journey for her.
The rest of the story is in the words of the donor:
"I am a kidney donor...and I am proud to say that.
I didn't just give my organ, I gave a part of my soul to my recipient.
Everybody looks upon me with respect and awe. I was the youngest among the 8 donors present at that time in the Renal Donor ICU. When I returned after 7 days in the ICU post-surgery, people showered blessings on me.
It was like a homecoming - I was born again.
Well, my recipient wasn't a stranger. She was my mother.
She was dying. The doctor had confessed that she had only 3 months' time to live unless she gets a new kidney. I could not see my mother die. She gave me birth. I agreed to give my kidney.
My mausaji, Dr. K. P. Singh, had said:
"Your mother gave you life. Now, you have given life to your mother. We are always indebted to our parents for giving birth to us. But by doing this "maha daan" or Great Donation you have almost repaid your debts to them. This, only a few can do in their lifetime."
The transplant happened on July 7, 2014. It's been four years now. I am happy and healthy.
Certain questions still ruffle my mind. Even today, when I look back I am surprised how my mother and I got the power to go through the transplant surgery. It had seemed so impossible! Who gave us the power?
Another question: Where was my soul during surgery?
Confession#1: My guardian angel helped me become a kidney donor
My father was the guardian angel in this endeavor. He had passed away to his heavenly abode in 2006.
What triggered me to agree to donate, I still don't know, but I stuck to my decision till the end. Today, I feel my guardian angel, my father, helped me say "yes."
This one "yes" changed my life.
It helped me discover my spiritual side. I realized there is more to life than just living. There is more to simply enjoying the materialistic things in the world.
I guess organ donors do realize this. They may not mention in their kidney donor stories, but it could be true for them too.
I gave my kidney, but I received many learnings in return. Of them, I wish to share it with you.
Life lessons
Trust God always - be it in happy times or sad times, in all seasons, at all ages - no matter what happens in your life.
Trust your surgeon.
Don't fear or panic about how things will turn out.
After kidney donation, you would feel on cloud nine.
Before lying down on the Operation Theater bed, smile!
Donating a kidney is like attaining "nirvana" on earth, while you are still alive!
Donating my kidney was a liberating experience for me. I tuned into the voice of the Divine. I managed to synchronize myself with Universal energy and let things just happen. As a result of this, I could face the situation in a blissful state of mind.
Out of many kidney donor stories, you might find this one fascinating, as my decision to donate was not out of impulse or circumstance. I believe it was God's will.
The Divine asked me to do it.
I did.
I believe it is because of this that the surgery and those 7 days in the ICU turned out to be days of "spiritual retreat" for me.
Pre and post-surgery days became the "diamond days" of my life.
Confession #2: Kidney donation transformed me unbelievably!
I learned about stress management. It was essential. You cannot be a living organ donor with a stressed out, anxious mind. You would run away from the Operation Theater, literally!
Effective stress management can help aspiring kidney donors donate their precious organs, as it did to me.
How to manage stress before kidney donation surgery?
You are not ill or in a state of emergency. You are absolutely healthy, yet intend to go under the knife for somebody else. This is no cosmetic surgery either. In cosmetic surgery, you go under the knife for personal gain, to be precise, to improve your looks.
In the case of organ donation, you have to lose (an organ), not gain. And it is not for your personal benefit; it is for somebody else.
According to doctors, when our body senses danger it triggers the "flight or fight" mode.
Did it happen to me?
Yes, initially.
My mind dared to wander in the negative side. We all have two sides to the personality. It depends on what side you allow to dominate. There were people who made a "sincere attempt" in convincing me not to give my kidney.
Their logic was: my mother is above 60 and has already lived most of her life. I am young and have a whole life ahead to live.
After listening to these people, there was a tiny corner in my mind that nudged me to refuse to donate! But, then, would I have left my mother to die? Actually, that tiny corner was my body's defense mechanism responding to the stress of surgery. It chose the "flight" mode. That tiny corner discreetly agreed with people's logic.
Soon, I found out this was just a superficial thing. Deep down, I wanted to donate.
That was the Divine plan. And, mind you folks, Divine plans almost always look difficult at first to execute. But, therein lies your life's successes.
I found the answer to how does meditation relieves stress. Thanks to techniques like deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and surrendering to the Divine plan, I successfully converted a stressful situation into a joyful one.
It happened by altering the mind's perception towards the surgery. It is like tuning your mind to a different frequency.
How to become a kidney donor and make your own kidney donor stories: Advice to aspiring organ donors
Calm your mind first. Meditation is the key. National Meditation Day 2018 focused on how to meditate when you are busy. Learn the tips.
Do not be afraid to donate simply because of the pain, sight of blood, or hospital stay. Believe me, once your mind becomes calm, all these things cease to matter.
If you get a chance to become a kidney donor, do not refuse. You become a certified donor only when you pass a certain set of medical examinations. It means God wants you to do the deed. Don't let fear come in your way.
Never let your mind dwell on the question "What will happen?"
Practice deep breathing weeks before the surgery day.
A month before the surgery, check your diet. Eat more protein. This helps in faster healing post-surgery. Know how to eat balanced diet.
It is possible to live on one kidney whole life without complications provided you live a healthy lifestyle.
Confession # 3: This is an energy healing and exchange process
Nutritionists and promoters of vegetarianism say that when we eat an animal we ingest its vibes too.
The energy that it held during its slaughter gets transferred to our bodies, as its cells are still thriving. Even when the meat is cooked, a part of the animal's energy stays and gets transported to the person who consumes it.
Yoga experts report that non-vegetarians have more of Tamasic dominance in their nature. The animal must be in a negative state of mind during slaughter - it must be horrified and tortured - and this gets transferred to our bodies when we consume the very same animal.
Now, if the above is true (wellness experts staunchly believe it to be true), then there is something similar about organ donation too.
Energy exchange during organ donation
When somebody takes an organ from a dead person (known as cadaver donor) the person's energy should also get transferred to the patient. The soul has left the body, but its vital organs are still thriving. This means they have energy left in them.
When the surgeon transplants the organ to another person the energy or vibe may also get transferred.
In this context, it means that a part of my vibe or energy state has been transferred to my mother along with my kidney!
It's said that we are what we think. Our mental state affects our physical state. Our thoughts and emotions affect each cell of our body at a particular moment.
In case of a living donor, you are actually giving off a part of your soul.
This is because you are still alive and the "you" inside your body - the soul - is spread in each cell and tissue. The "you" is flowing throughout your body. After a transplant, the part of "you" now thrives in the recipient's body.
Isn't this amazing? It's miraculous, in fact!
I believe each organ transplant is a miracle. It interconnects souls and energies, especially in cases where the donors are alive.
Confession #4: Where was my soul during surgery?
I am still seeking an answer to this question.
What happens to our soul...our subconscious during a surgery?
Surgeons make your entire body stable or dead-like during surgery. Only your heart muscles work...rest all are paralyzed by anesthesia. Even the lungs work through some artificial respiration system. All your nerves are numb. You are unconscious.
Try to recall your surgery moments and you cannot. It seems like the anesthesia wipes them off your memory. Does, in this state of your body and unconscious mind, your soul retains itself in your physical being? Where are "you" when the surgery happens?
Has my soul an imprint of the surgery process? Will the memories carry over in my next life?
These are questions that baffle me. I haven't found an answer to them.
The big secret to happy organ donation
There are many kidney donor stories. Some with a happy ending, some with a sad one. Some may say it was a painful experience, for some, it's an achievement. I say it is sweet pain.
Kidney donors are heroes in the true sense. We did something that not everybody has the guts to do.
You need to have an open mind to donate your organs. It's true that organ donation helps you connect with your spiritual self. You must surrender yourselves completely to the Divine forces.
In addition, you must balance root chakra. This is the basic energy center of your body. It is located at the base of your spine and affects other chakras or energy centers of the body. A balance of this chakra triggers a balance in all other chakras, giving a healthy mind and body.
This takes your mind to a higher level, where you feel no pain and your emotions are stable. Only then can you walk with confidence to the Operation Theater and lie down on the Operation bed willingly with a smile.
This is important.
The state of mind that you have just before the doctor gives you anesthesia is what affects the surgery process.
If you are panicky or fearful or reluctant to go through the surgery, the energies get blocked and manifest as some negative outcomes. If you are calm, peaceful, and in harmony with the Divine energy, your energies synchronize with the Divine force and the surgery becomes a smooth affair.
People believe it all depends on the surgeon.
No. Not completely.
Of course, the technical aspects of the surgery depends on the surgeon, but the recovery depends on you. How your body heals depends on your energy flow in the body and your state of mind.
The final word:
It feels nice to have an opportunity to tell my story as a part of the kidney donor stories worldwide. I thank the Divine for this.
My spiritual being created a few inspiring lines while I was writing my story:
I was crying to own gems and precious stones;
Little did I know that my own body was a gem.
I was dying to have a rich bank balance;
Little did I realize the richness in me of health balance.
I was lamenting for not doing anything big in life;
Little did I know that I was chosen by God to save a life.
I regarded myself a failure with no valuable things;
Little did I know that I carried a treasure all these years within."
All you aspiring kidney donors out there, hats off for your decision! Stick to it till the end and emerge out of the ICU as a winner.
Create your own kidney donation stories. You are about to do one of the noblest feats in the world. Saving a life is one of the best healing therapies. It heals you at the soul level. The act awakens the spiritual side of you. It did to me."
Author's bio:
Shipra Singh is a senior content writer at lifepositive.com. She is a kidney donor and has experienced life's many colors, including grey shades, that have helped her discover her spiritual side. The writer believes her life is a novel and she makes sure to turn one page at a time to understand the Divine Plan better. A God-loving person, Shipra has healed herself of life's injuries through cooking and dance therapy.
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Savita Singh24-04-2019 at 09:43:19 am
Organ donation is the biggest donation in the world. Even if you give millions of dollars in charity, you cannot match this donation. Hats off to you!
Amit Chauhan25-04-2019 at 04:16:43 pm
Kidney donors like you, Shipra, are a rare breed. I salute you for this deed.