Why Mental and Emotional Well-Being has Become the Need of the Hour

Contributed by :Mrs. Suzy Singh
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Why does the suicide of a young beloved star, send such strong ripples of shock and sadness through the hearts and minds of people? A traumatic incident makes us realize the importance of mental and emotional well-being. Stardom has become synonymous with success, glory, and fame. We have been mentally programmed to believe that success is the holy grail we ought to be chasing if we want to be happy. So why is it that someone, who may seem to have it all, suddenly decides to end his life?
The pursuit of materialism – An obstacle to mental and emotional well-being
The pursuit of materialism gains importance when too much emphasis is laid on it. And how much more misery do we need to witness before we re-examine where this has got us? The most profound way to honor the passing of a troubled soul is by learning from his life and death. There is a need to make amends in the way we understand life. We owe this to our young generation. An admission that perhaps we were wrong in selling them toxic dreams. An apology for letting it consume them one day. To maintain mental and emotional well-being, we need to overcome the urge to fulfill all our materialistic desires.
A collective responsibility – Prioritize mental and emotional well-being
It is easy to believe that the fault lies in our social fabric but eventually, it is all of us who constitute this fabric. We all are a part of it and thus, is it our responsibility and our collective grief when a young member of our community decides to end his life. Just because he was alone in his darkness and despair. We failed to make mental and emotional well-being a priority. And yet we continue to perpetuate the hunger for glamour and its frills. And that we are shy and disapproving of people who need help with their mental and emotional well-being.
End the stigma – Support the younger generation
Frequently I come across youngsters who are struggling with issues regarding mental and emotional well-being. But, unfortunately, they have no one to turn to, nowhere to go. Consequently, so many of them turn to drinking, smoking, drugs. And even reckless sex, simply to just let off some steam. If they stumble upon help, they are terrified of ‘being seen’ and beg anonymity. There are so many young adults, starving for guidance, support, counseling, and help but are so scared to ask for it. And even when sought, are scared to receive it freely and openly. Why do they need to hide? Does that not reflect upon us? It is high time to end this stigma and focus on our mental and emotional well-being without hesitation
Everyone is a Healer – Become a contributor towards mental and emotional well-being
Intellectuals may justify that we have a severe shortage of trained mental health facilitators. However, we can begin by reforming our own attitudes towards mental and emotional well-being. We all need to witness the fact that our youth is bereft of emotional sustenance. The young ones at home, in our neighborhood, and those that we come in contact with in our day to day life. They all need support, guidance, and help. It may look like they are fine and may even radiate confidence on the outside. However, they must be fighting a silent battle within that no one knows of. Temperaments are fragile. Competitiveness is extreme. Domestic dysfunctions are mounting. Parental support is breaking down. We value pretense. We consider it a strength to repress our feelings. All our children are floating in this soup of disregard and emotional abandonment.
Replace image building, success flaunting, and looking good with authenticity, transparency, and vulnerability. Become more meaningfully, permissively, and compassionately connected to the younger generation. We need to make them feel supported and encouraged, to own and discuss their troubles without shame. Every time a young Sushant Singh Rajput decides to end his life, he is telling us all, your world is not safe enough for me to live in. Can you hear his muffled screams begging for help?