February 2019 Forecast Comes With A Fresh New Flavor!

Contributed by :Ms. Hemma Krishna
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The New Year is already one month old! How are your resolutions going on, folks? :) Well, here is the February 2019 forecast...all set to give you a gush of energy and inspiration.
Card of the Month: Page of Wands
Career: Your card urges you to take your career role seriously. Businessmen can expect themselves to plan a new venture or expand in the existing one. Though it might not take off at this phase, but planning the strategies will be worthwhile. Those who are handling budgeting and marketing can find original ways to promote their products. Professionals in salaried jobs should focus on their work to attain their targets.
Finance: Housewives are advised to keep expenses in control, as per February 2019 forecast.
Love: On the domestic front, avoid unnecessary confrontation with your partner to maintain stability. During February, you are advised to pay special attention to reworking on family matters and resolution.
Travel: A memorable short distance trip with your lover is indicated. Colombo, Bangkok or Pune will ideal.
What will be new: Young adults can develop new talents and confidently display your merits. It will definitely be beneficial if you take one step forward at a time.
Card of the Month: Queen of Pentacles
Career: Multinational and corporate employees will find much optimism and liquidity at this phase. Business owners will find themselves busy in planning and re-analyzing the strategies for future growth. Artists, actors, and models will try to be innovative and use their capabilities in a positive direction.
Finance: Homemakers might attract some new sources of income, says February 2019 forecast.
Love: You will be working towards bringing harmony in personal life. Stay calm and give yourself permission to enjoy yourself with your loved ones. Love mates should focus on improving communication to avoid confusion.
Travel: Planning a domestic trip with family or friends can be refreshing. Abu Dhabi, Dharamshala, and Guwahati will be interesting.
What will be new: February is a promising month for you as the card shows progress. You will witness your hopes soaring high. Charity and compassion fill your heart, which will not only harness your nature but also help the universe in some way or the other.
Card of the Month: Seven of Pentacles
Career: The card signifies that this time can be used for harnessing fresh ideas for your career. Expect great support from your spouse as s/he would contribute a lot to your business. You will find yourself enjoying while managing a big project. It may get tough but will be very encouraging and motivating.
Finance: Geminis will be investing a lot of time and energy to increase the income this month. Your card advises you to get rid of old debts and loans.
Love: According to February 2019 forecast, the parent-child relationship will be pleasant. Spend time with your child as they may need guidance at this stage. A family get-together will be fulfilled. Love prophecy indicates that singles can find love in their social circles or among a known group of people.
Travel: Plan a family weekend trip to Hong Kong, Delhi or Mumbai.
What will be new: Along with hard work, take some time for fun.
Card of the Month: Judgment
Career: If you are planning a new business or creating a new career, take ample time to introspect and weigh the consequences. Support from boss or co-employees would keep you motivated.
Finance: Cash inflow will be sufficient and you will take pleasure in a comfortable lifestyle. You can expect to garner returns from foreign projects, says February 2019 forecast.
Love: If you're single, romance comes alive for an unexpected person. Couples who are going through a tough time, this month brings in a karmic opportunity to resolve it, no matter how painful it might be, try putting in your best effort.
Travel: Enjoyable journey to home town is on cards.
What will be new: February is a favorable month for Cancerians. Your card will bring the opportunity to take some decisions that might have been pending. Property or court cases can be resolved at this phase. Personally, you will love to be quiet and introspective. Spiritual inclination will bring mental peace and solace.
Card of the Month: Four of Pentacles
Career: According to February 2019 forecast, whatever field you are in, your career comes to a smooth sail and rewarding even with fewer efforts. You can expect favorable partnership deals. Seniors and coworkers will be of great help. Excelling in international-related endeavors will give you a new perspective towards your growth.
Finance: Your card invites monetary rewards this month. Any conflict pertaining to an ancestral property is expected to be resolved soon.
Love: Family life seems to be harmonious and peaceful. Singles will find long-distance relationships slightly tough to handle. A family get-together or reunion is also on the cards.
Travel: An international business trip to New York, Dubai, or London would be frugal and fruitful too.
What will be new: Your inner self can nudge you to spend time in spiritual places and seek inner peace. Some of you may take up a spiritual/religious trip to fulfill that urge.
Card of the Month: The World
Career: You will be blessed with goodness and growth in your professional field. You will prove to be a good team leader as the quality of compassion rises this month. Those who are into media, writing or any other creative field, this month can give you the recognition that you were aspiring for.
Finance: Foreign relations and business will be highly rewarding as you are expected to come closer to your targets.
Love: In your personal life, cards show that you’ll be open to experimenting with your emotions. That said, involvement in a new relationship can be stimulating. Permanent and serious relationships seen to be going to the next level.
Travel: Planning a weekend trip with the family will be fulfilling. Try Tirupati, Port Blair, or Amritsar.
What will be new: It’s going to be an eventful month, reveals the February 2019 forecast. Your card brings in a lot on your plate. Females will be the source of motivation and inspiration.
Card of the Month: Ten of Pentacles
Career: Your card indicates that you’ll be able to pursue goals and ambitions that you have been dreaming of since long. Your elders at home and boss at work will be a supporting factor for important ventures in life. Business deals will be satisfying and rewarding. If growth is on your mind, cards suggest developing your relation with seniors so that you attract a promotion or pay hike.
Finance: This is a month to enjoy as finances look stable for Librans.
Love: On the personal front, it’s time to reframe and rephrase your bonding with people who matter to you. Married couples are advised to spend quality time together to keep the sparks of love alive.
Travel: A short travel trip near water like Goa/ Mumbai/ Chennai is also indicated by February 2019 forecast.
What will be new: It’s an auspicious month, which indicates that a spiritual activity may also take place at your home.
Card of the Month: Seven of Swords
Career: The month of February will keep you on the move. The card of Seven of Swords will bring in a phase of uncertainty about certain decisions. But there is nothing to worry about as this is just temporary. If you are struggling in a career, don’t fret; rather carefully re-evaluate whether it’s the right time for a change.
Finance: On a positive note, your card can also invite unexpected opportunities on the financial front.
Love: Singles will witness that marriage-related decisions might take a back seat. Those in love may find it difficult to express and bring their emotions into words. Parents may observe their children getting overconfident and aggressive. Spending quality time with them will be favorable, advises February 2019 forecast.
Travel: A business trip to Dubai or Singapore is on the cards.
What will be new: Starting afresh will provide you a new experience. The third week of this month brings an opportunity to work progressively with foreign associates and clients.
Card of the Month: Three of Pentacles
Career: The card Three of Pentacles indicates that your professional life comes to a smooth sail as you slowly climb the corporate ladder. Those who are in the field of beauty, arts, acting, or designing will gain appreciation and recognition. Be unique in your work and see how the Universe attracts the right sources towards you.
Finance: Good time to invest in gold or property.
Love: Generosity fills your heart this month that will enthuse you to share gifts and articles with your loved ones. Relationships will be an arena of life that will require your attention. Fear of intimacy or confusion about your mate can put you in deep thoughts. Your card suggests that ignore unwanted relationships and look for newer satisfying ones. Couples should spend quality time with your spouse.
Travel: You may plan a trip with family that rekindles togetherness, says February 2019 forecast.
What will be new: Sagittarians can enjoy the lifestyle filled with comfort and luxury.
Card of the Month: The Hermit
Career: Those who are looking for a job change can find their desired job knocking on their door this month. This phase also brings good prospects for people who are in theater, healing, or therapies. Go slow with any decision that was pending.
Finance: Payments can get delayed, but will be recovered soon.
Love: For couples, marital life can demand effort and commitment. Despite your hectic schedules at work, let home be your focus this month. Dating mates will love going out and exchanging gifts.
Travel: Short travel like a weekend getaway is indicated in the card. Chennai, Pondicherry, Kuala Lumpur can be those destinations.
What will be new: This is a month to get in touch with your inner strength. Your card propels you to bring your ideas and aims to practical application. When you feel stuck in any situation, just connect with your inner self and listen to your gut feeling.
Card of the Month: The High Priestess
Career: Your card advises you to complete the projects that have been dragging on for quite some time. Students, this is a good month for academic advancement.
Finance: Be cautious while lending money to others without legal paperwork. Seek out advice regarding the expansion of your business or buying new equipment or making any investments.
Love: Your personal life seems to be rocking this month. Someone can be head over heels in love with you. Married/dating couples will spend a lot of quality time together. This will boost compatibility. You will be spending time with friends and travel is also anticipated.
Travel: Short trips, casual visits are indicated at the mid-month. Bangkok, Delhi, Mumbai are the possibilities, as per February 2019 forecast.
What will be new: The card brings in slight confusion this month. It will be a good idea to postpone any important decisions for a few weeks. Concentrate on your steps and karmas for now.
Card of the Month: The Devil
Career: This card suggests you eliminating all unnecessary activities and staying focused on our desired goals. Some of you may have to work hard to prove your capabilities at work.
Finance: Think wisely before confirming any property deals and high-value purchases.
Love: Your familial life seems to be blooming. You will want to create ample opportunities for fun and pleasure. You can also look forward to a romantic trip with your mate. Your relationship with a sibling seems to be improving. Those who want to go the family way; news of pregnancy is also probable.
Travel: Dubai, Singapore, Goa will be fit for short and fulfilled trips.
What will be new: Try associating yourself with people who can share positive thoughts and actions. Do not be perturbed with minor hindrances; stay the course, things will settle soon. Pisceans will enjoy festivities, as a celebration/occasion is on cards.