Sai Baba Oracle Card for the month of March

Contributed by :Mrs. Mahrukh Dinyar Daruwala
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Aum Sai Ram 🙏🏻
The card for the month of March is "Attachment". This card has been drawn from the deck, "Sai, my Master, my Angel", by Mahrukh Daruwala.
When a soul is ready to take birth on planet earth, to complete the past karmas, the soul arranges a small advisory meeting with the Masters and Guardian Angels. With their help the soul selects, the people with whom it has to complete the past karmas and also give them specific roles of a mother, father, spouse, siblings, teachers or friends, etc. These souls will give back the experience of pain or happiness according to the person's past karmas.
My role today is of a daughter, wife, mother, mother in law, sister, friend, teacher, etc. These roles will make me go through the experiences whether bad or good, which are needed for my learning, growth, and completion. So playing each role without getting attached is important.
Along with the roles we also select a life purpose, in every birth. The life purpose or soul purpose of each individual will be different and unique. Usually, in life we get too attached to the roles of life which are basically karmic and neglect our purpose of life. Roles of life is attachment and ego. Attachment and Ego are not loved. For eg, "My son only eats food cooked by me". Is my ego. We get too caught up in all the vicious circle of attachment, ego, hurts, and upsets.
Baba gives an important message through this card that - is being over-attached to your worldly roles, you are neglecting your life purpose or soul purpose. Do comment and share your experiences on this topic.
You can easily buy the Sai Baba Message Card here.
Stay blessed. Stay happy.
Mahrukh Daruwala.