Insomnia - Powerful Natural Remedies Revealed!
Insomnia is another name for sleeplessness. According to WHO, when a person finds difficulty falling asleep after 30 minutes of trying or if the intermittent awakening constitutes more than 30 minutes, it can be defined as insomnia. Sleeping is a vital necessity for the healing and repairmen process of various bodily functions. Sleeping disorder or insomnia triggers anxiety, restlessness, and impairment of our physiological processes. Insomnia is a problem that is giving people around the world a tough time. It may be temporary where this condition lasts for a few days, or it can be more permanent where it will continue more than months. Medication or drugs are not the best solutions for insomnia. A good number of FDA approved drugs are available for insomnia. But gradually, you end up entirely dependent on these for sleep, which is not good. So it’s always better to go for natural remedies. Natural ways of fighting insomnia are more effective and come without any side effects. More and more people are searching for natural cures for insomnia these days. You can check out Prorganiq for organic and natural supplements.
We will have a look at some of the natural remedies that have proved useful to reduce insomnia.
Exercise is an excellent way to stand out against the insomnia problem. It brings a lot of benefits & ensures the proper functioning of our body. Regular exercise prevents various diseases and conditions, which might indirectly affect our ability to sleep. Exercise also freshens our mind and brings peace to our soul. Moreover, training brings induced tiredness in the body, which helps to get a good sleep. Therefore a person should go for at least 20 minutes of exercise regularly. A study conducted in 2015 showed participants who went through 150 minutes of exercise weekly for six months showed lesser signs of insomnia.
Practicing yoga can be a great way to reduce insomnia. Yoga gives focus, the strength of mind, and reduces stress level. It increases our body’s flexibility and helps us achieve more control over our bodily functions. Try the poses which focus more on breathing techniques—especially the ones where the head is lower than the heart and other limbs. Halasana, Balasan, Viparita Karani are some of the poses you can try. You have to be regular in your yoga sessions. Then slowly and gradually, you’ll notice the improvements in your sleep.
A good massage provides relaxation in the body. It also removes fatigue and stress. Slow and regular massage helps the body to recover gradually from sleeplessness. Professional massage, in this respect, is highly beneficial. You can go for a Swedish massage or deep massage. These massages provide long strokes and circular movements, which helps to relax the deep layer of muscles. If it’s not possible for you to avail of professional massage, you can use your partner or family members to apply the basic massage technique.
Regularity and time frame:
Maintaining regularity helps in every step of life. Sleeping is no different. You can select a fixed routine for yourself when you should go to bed. The earlier you go to bed, the better it is. At first, it might take some days to get adjusted in this routine of yours. But slowly, you’ll observe your body give in to your new method. It will gradually become more comfortable to fall asleep. Daylight and night are like the clock of our organization. They trigger sleep and awakening. So it’s good to form a routine where the body clock doesn’t get messed up.
Activity before sleep:
Take an interest in having a walk before you go to sleep. You might consider going outside and take a slow-paced walk along the park for a short time. Allow the cool breeze to flow past you. Do some breathing exercises. Immerse yourself in positive thoughts. This will help your mind to focus and relax. You might as well take a shower before going to bed. This will freshen up your mind and body. These combinations of activities might help you to get good sleep.
Remain stress-free:
Stress and tensions are the biggest impediments to having a sound sleep. Whatever trouble and setbacks you go through in life, don’t let them occupy you all the time. Relieve your mind from stress and worry. Life is short; try to enjoy and make the bad times pass away. Think positive and stay happy no matter what. A worry-free relaxed mind will help you to have a better sleep.
Chamomile tea:
Chamomile tea has been used as a relaxation drink for a long time. It reduces stress and anxiety. It relaxes the nerves. This way chamomile tea can be useful to counteract insomnia problem
Lavender can be taken orally. It improves mood and helps to get better sleep & can also be sniffed before going to bed. It is believed that a pleasant aroma and a comfortable ambiance can be useful for getting sound sleep.
Avoid food that hinders sound sleep:
Consider maintaining a healthy diet. Try to avoid food that restricts your body’s ability to have a sound sleep. The below menu can be avoided in this regard:
Caffeine rich food
Spicy food
Fatty food
Insomnia is a big problem in modern days where our lives are entangled with stresses and worries. It takes a toll on the body gradually. It’s necessary to address this problem at the earliest and go for the remedies.
Author Bio:
John Brooks is the Professional Content Marketer. He writes a lot of articles on his career. Last one year he has been working with Orbeen.com as a digital marketing expert. The company provides various types of Digital Marketing services i.e, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Optimization (SMO), Web design & development, Link Building services, Outreach guest post, Content Marketing & blogger outreach.