3 Useful Herb in Your Kitchen

Contributed by :Mrs. Jeetika Soni Duneja
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A bushy plant/herb known for its fragrance. It is a symbol of loyalty & happiness. Used for banishing, cleansing, memory, protection since ancient times. "Where Rosemary grows, the woman rules" .... you know now what next to grow in your garden !!
# If infused in sesame oil, use it for pains like back pain, arthritis pain, etc. Infuse in coconut oil for skin issues. Infuse in olive oil for hair growth.
# Sniff it or make tea to sleep for good dreams & to sharpen memory.... so, you know now if your child doesn't concentrate just make them sniff !!
# Keep it with your loved ones who have left this world, before funeral or cremation. Just to tell them they will be loved forever !!
# Use rosemary essential oil with camphor to clear the space at homes or offices. Burn only rosemary essential oil in a patient's room, a person who is sick to promote healthy recovery.
# Dip yourself in rosemary water to relax/remove worries for at least 40minutes. It also gives your aura a protective layer.
# For a woman who feels betrayed or cheated with their partners, always keep rosemary in your pocket/purse/bag. You can keep under your bed for a faithful partner.
Bay Leaf
A beautiful plant which symbolizes triumph & peace. It is used for deviation energy, love, luck & beauty since Greek and Roman times. They used to make crowns with bay leaves to show a symbol of the highest social status.
# Brew leaves in water to drink. It helps improve insulin function, minimizes candida and to increase clairvoyance & wisdom. Infuse in olive oil to treat dandruff from the scalp.
# Put 1 or 2 leaves in daily cooking as it has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Best for digestive system problems.
# Need some luck/success/abundance !!??? Burn or smudge, let the fumes spread all over the space.
# Plant around your home to shoo away enemies, curses, negative people. Another additional plant for your garden !!!
# Make a wish !! Write your wish on the bay leaf and burn it. Be specific of your wish and Please do outside in open space. Don't forget to thank the universe and the bay leaf !!
Plant/herb which is pungent/bitter in taste, rich in vitamin A &C and attracts bees !! You dint know that !! This herb is believed to be blessed by mother earth so its called green magic. It symbolizes courage & bravery, so it was used in mummification. In ancient times it was thrown in coffins to help the spirit transition from one world to another.
# Boil in water and use it to disinfect homes or office spaces
# Bathe in thyme water to increase psychic powers and to renew energy.
# Infuse in massage oil to enhance your confidence and to be more courageous.
# Put leaves under your pillow to attract good health and shoo away nightmares. Good to keep for infants and kids.
# Thyme tea good for sore throat relief !! It has amazing antiseptic qualities.
# You want to let go of past or your bad habits? Do you want to quit smoking??? Put dried thyme leaves in a box with past photos or memories/ cigarettes. Whenever you are ready, burn the box and spread the ashes over a bed of water. Don't forget to say thank you to mother earth and universe.
# Burn or smudge thyme at home or office space to resolve disputes, to balance your relationships.
# If you getting thyme too for your garden... don't forget to put sweets as offering for fairies. Thyme attracts fairies !!