Heal bonds the Indian way to heal completely
Whether in communities, nations or our own personal lives, healing happens only when we accept, understand and forgive. While there are many complications in societies and nations, surely we can make a difference in our own lives by healing ourselves.
My late grandmother had a dramatic life. Her husband, my late grandfather, though a talented carnatic musician, was a maverick who kept changing his path while she needed to manage the home front. At that time, many were nasty to her but she let it go and was always forgiving knowing that these times would not last. Her way of healing was chanting, praying and always being nice to all as she firmly believed in the law of karma. This is why she was and is still respected by everyone in the family. Most of all, as she did not harbour il lfeelings, she was able to lead a life that was as complete as it could be given the circumstances she found herself in. To me, she is a person who reminds me of true strength and keeping family bonds intact in all circumstances.
Bonds and health
In the circumstances of the world today, there is too much conflict and confusion within families where instead of being supportive, families create tension amongst eacg other. People are giving too much importance to the external world. This I firmly believe is the reason for mental health becoming weaker. In the global world, the World Health Organisation does mention the need to accept mental health as as issue to be noted. In India, I can firmy say that this was the role of families, including extended ones earlier. Each family usually had an inhouse mentor and guide though they were not certified as counsellors and/or psychiatrists. Along with this, there usually was a senior person, sometimes a priest or guru, who also used to add a dose of spirituality in everyone’s lives. This is why I do believe the Indian family system and structure was and is the best system for complete wellness including healing of rifts. When we accept that we have been hurt, we could express it without hurting anyone with irrational remarks caused by our negative feelings, the circle of creating more hurts and hatred ends and healing happens, perhaps slowly but surely.
Healing with bonds
Even in the slums I have seen many people handle many issues just by forgiving and learning that family is the greatest fulcrum of all.. Many have sacrificed a lot for their siblings and even if not recognised later, they always do move on attributing it only to their karma but usually never break bonds with their family.They may compromise on many things but never on family. If there is something we all need to learn from the underptivileged, it `
Bonds are meant to help us heal and if we are placed in a particular situation with certain people, we must try to make the most of it. Family to us in India is the most important bond of all and it is indeed a great life saver as well in many situations. Minor rifts, if any, should always be ignored and forgiven.
In essence, healing minor rifts, if any, shall make us strong mentally and emotionally and we are bound to then heal.