How Thanksgiving Can Change Your Life and Heal your Heart
Thank you all for reading this blog. Thank you for the Divine for helping me write this blog. The fourth Thursday of November is a special day for Americans, as this is the day when they thank the Lord for everything they have. Do you know Thanksgiving can change your life?
To me, it seems to say a humble "thank you" is the best way to begin something. Simply expressing gratitude makes your world and you better and happier.
Thanksgiving Day is also called the Harvest Festival. It is a ritual that Americans follow. They thank the Almighty for their autumn harvest and all the successes they have attained in the whole year. It's a holiday for the Americans. But this festival is not limited to America. Everybody can celebrate it. The festival shows you a way of living a fulfilling life.
Thanksgiving is not just a huge feast featuring yummy turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. Thanksgiving can change your life. It throws a golden opportunity to usher in fresh, positive energy into your life and let miracles happen.
Do you know giving thanks is one of the powerful methods of healing the mind and the body?
How to give thanks?
Always say a "thank you" from the heart. You should feel it and then say it. For this, you must change the way you see the world. Just saying thanks for the sake of it and half-heartedly will not work.
It's as simple as that, you cannot catch blessings with a negative mind. And when you think you have no blessing, you cannot thank for anything.
So, a simple thanksgiving starts with changing your mindset from negative to positive. Ultimately, thanksgiving can change your life.
Need help in removing negativity? You can use crystals. They are powerful stones, also regarded as sacred, that absorb negativity and exude positivity. Know how to use crystals for healing and create a powerfully positive atmosphere at your home this Thanksgiving.
Let's just stop seeing the world with a frustrating eye. The world is not as mean as you think it to be. The more you think the world is mean, the meaner it will get for you!
Let's start by:
- Counting blessings.
- Saying "thank you" for all the genuine reasons present in your life.
- Finding the positive even in the negative.
Gratitude does not just make you feel that things are becoming better; it actually makes them become better.
A study has confirmed that people who say "thank you" to things they get in life suffer lesser from aches and pains, emotional troubles, and common ailments. They seem to live healthier and happier. They also seem to achieve more in life, especially things that they desire.
A study done by the Biologic Psychology division of Duke University suggests that expressing gratitude provides a significant effect on various brain and body functions.
The gesture of gratitude affects the following hormones:
- Cortisol - the stress hormone
- Testosterone - the male reproductive hormone
- Norepinephrine and Serotonin - mood neurotransmitters
- Oxytocin and Dopamine - the happy hormones
- Cytokines - the immune and inflammatory system hormones
Gratitude also influences:
- Blood sugar levels
- Blood pressure
- EEG and cardiac rhythms
Thanksgiving can change your life & re-ignite the sense of wonder
Einstein had said, "He who knows it not and can no longer wonder, no longer feel amazement, is as good as dead, a snuffed-out candle. And when it comes to taking in the good, a sense of wonder is key. Experiencing moments as fresh and new, with childlike awe, allows them to stick in the brain for longer, potentially becoming part of our lasting emotional memory."
Thanksgiving helps us look at the bright side of life. Once we count our blessings, we are pleased to find we have so much! This inculcates a feeling of happiness and wonder in us. We are able to experience life as new and fresh. We get an urge to live each moment fully.
Thanksgiving can change your life by serving as an eye-opener. It can also create a healing effect, especially on our emotional and spiritual being. This festival truly heals our heart to know that the Almighty has given us enough to not just survive but thrive.
It is important to create a healing and abundant-looking environment at home. This attracts positive energy. Learn about Feng Shui wealth colors this festive season and attract an abundance of money and positivity to your home. The idea is to cleanse your spirit and environment of all negativity. Your body and mind, automatically, become healthy.
Do you know what is the biggest treasure? A healthy body and mind!
This Thanksgiving Day, if you are healthy and fine, do not forget to say a big "thank you" to the Divine for your good health. A healthy mind and body can live a happy life and achieve immensely. Only when you are healthy can you harvest the bounty and relish on the heavenly Thanksgiving food!
Do you know a study shows that people who are more grateful are healthier and happier?
They are more inclined to see the good things in life. This gives them a boost to pursue healthy habits, eat good food, and exercise to keep fit. They are found to have reduced levels of stress and a higher level of motivation. This affects their immunity, which becomes stronger when you are less stressed and more motivated. It, instantly, energizes you. It decreases the risk of serious diseases.
So, Thanksgiving surely creates a healing effect on the mind and the body.
How to make gratitude work for you
Too much reading about giving thanks and everything! Now let's put it into practice, shall we?
The question that arises here is, "how gratitude can change your life?" Well, you simply must start feeling grateful on a daily basis for all that you have and, gradually, the change will happen. The magic will unfold before your eyes and you will be spellbound!
Here are simple ways to practice gratitude:
1. Say "thank you:"
Saying "thanks" is not limited to Thanksgiving Day, you must make it a habit. Whenever you sit down to eat, express gratitude for the food on the table and that you are healthy enough to eat. Gradually, do this for every daily task that you do. Say thanks for your home, car, family, furniture, even your dishwasher, and all those things and people who make your life easy. You will be astonished by the long list!
2. Keep a gratitude journal:
Whenever anything good happens to you, jot down in the journal with a "thank you." There was a lady who developed an interesting way of paying gratitude. Every time something good happened in her life, she lighted a candle in the Church and paid gratitude to the Divine. Guess what? She had to buy boxes of candles!
3. Appreciate people:
Learn to see the good in people, things, and situations. Thanksgiving can change your life if you start doing this important step from this day. You need not go far for this. Start with your family. Did you appreciate your partner today? When did you last appreciated or complimented him/her? Start appreciating people around you and see how their behavior changes!
4. Remember death:
What would you do today if you knew you were to die tomorrow? Would you still be angry at your partner or kid? Would you still avoid talking to your colleague who had hurt you some time back? This Thanksgiving Day, while feasting with your family, remember the hard truth of life. You never know when you are meeting somebody for the last time on Earth. You never know when this moment will end. So relish it, cherish it, and say "thank you."
Pick a card and thank your luck!
Make your Thanksgiving more exciting and an eye-opener. Play the free online tarot card game and know what your card says about you this season.
Interested in knowing more about tarot cards? This is a fascinating world and you must try them this Thanksgiving. It could usher in excitement and even show you the truth, which could help in altering your life. Know about Tarot reading for beginners and about the three scariest cards.
In a nutshell
Thanksgiving is a colorful and pompous festival. With this festival starts the Christmas season...and shopping! Thanksgiving is a great opportunity for families to gather and have a big feast, exchange gifts, and spend quality time with each other. But it is not limited to this.
This Thanksgiving Day, which falls on November 22, resolves to adopt the attitude of gratitude in your life.
Say "thanks" more often and develop a habit of "giving." This can be in various ways, say, helping others, being more compassionate, giving your time to listen to somebody, giving clothes or even some money to the destitute, educating somebody, guiding somebody, and more. Do this and you will soon discover how powerfully Thanksgiving can change your life!
By the way, if you wish to know what this festive month holds for you, you can contact Sangeeta Gupta Tarot reader, who is making news for her smashing tarot tips this season.
Thank you for reading till the end :)
Author's Bio:
Shipra Singh is the senior content writer of lifepositive.com. She is a kidney donor and has experienced life's many colors, including grey shades, that have helped her discover her spiritual side. The writer believes her life is a novel and she makes sure to turn one page at a time to understand the Divine Plan better. A God-loving person, Shipra has healed herself of life's injuries through cooking and dance therapy.