How not to be like your mother - 9 Tips from the best life coaches
Most children see their parents as their role models. It could be your father or mother. You adore them a lot and you want to be like them. But, hey, think again! Do you really wish to be like your mother or father? The best life coaches urge you to ponder over this. You will be surprised by what your heart actually says.
What you cannot learn from your mother and father
The best life coaches say that you must not always copy your parents. This holds particularly true when you observe your parents suffering a lot and not loving themselves.
Self-healing is something that most parents miss doing. So, they fail to teach this to their kids. They are too engrossed in raising kids, making a living, and other stuff that they miss enjoying their own lives. And when somebody misses enjoying their own lives, they cannot self-heal because self-healing comes by loving yourselves first.
Parents, especially Indian parents, are famous for their sacrificial attitude towards their kids. I am not saying this is bad, but what are you teaching your kids, folks?
You always suffer, sacrifice, suppress your emotions, and "adjust" in the little things in life. As a result, you become frustrated, hate earning money and start expecting too much from kids. No wonder, you live a robotic life.
You give an example of a frustrated parent to your kid. You show them that it is a tyranny to earn money and maintain a family. Then your kids think that money is the root of evil. Look, how mommy and daddy became! This subtle negativity breeds in almost all homes and it pierces into the aura of the kids.
Ultimately, you need a life coach to break the pieces of your shattered life together.
It's my life!
Ever wondered what is the main cause of suffering?
Because you choose to suffer!
It's time you came out of the 'suffer trap.' Take responsibility for your life.
If this requires you to contact the best life coaches, then please do. After all, it is a matter of your life.
How to make your life your own
Stop doing these things now!
1. Avoid ignoring your emotions. Attend to them. Stop focusing only on others' emotions and how they are feeling. This is how your mother usually did, right? She almost always attended to your feelings and kept her's aside.
2. Stop judging yourselves. "It's my fault," "I am not good enough," etc. Most mothers do this. Not everything is your fault. Moreover, you need not be perfect all the time. Personal life coaching can help you know how to err and excel.
3. Do not succumb to emotional eating. It indicates that you have suppressed your feelings and are not addressing them. Address them now and achieve emotional freedom. This is important for mental and physical health.
4. Stop being a victim! How many parents behave like victims? Many! They emotionally blackmail their children by saying that it was because of them they sacrificed their dreams and they don't show enough care! Don't follow in your parents' footsteps in this regard. Remember, the world treats you how you treat yourselves.
Things to do...from the desks of the best life coaches
1. Fix your feelings. Feel them. Care about others' feelings, but do not control. Every human has the right to feel.
2. Appreciate yourselves. Don't just limit to appreciating others. Discover the beautiful essence of the Divine in you and in others. It's okay to commit mistakes. Keep your inner child alive. Only when you love yourselves can you love others and others can love you.
3. Learn from your emotional experiences. Do not stifle your emotions, like your parents might have done just to keep the home environment seemingly happy for you. What illusion parents, at times, create!
4. Let the Divine Intelligence guide you. This is not to offend people, but there are instances where parents may not prove to be the best guide, especially for your spiritual growth. The best life coaches can help you discover your spiritual self.
5. Live freely, not in bondage. The latter could be one of the most miserable things to happen to somebody. Most parents, especially in the Eastern world, are alien to the word "freedom." They are bound by duties and responsibilities and they feel proud of that! They don't know what it means to live life freely AND responsibly. They only know the latter.
Life makeover
Enroll for life coach courses in Gurgaon for a life makeover.
They will help you connect with the Divine. Through the best life coach techniques, they will help you sort out what's wrong and what's right in your life. In other words, what your parents failed to do a life coach will do it.
Parents rear their children with love. But, amidst their love they, unknowingly, smother their kids with love.
If your parents are like them, you need not be like them. Also, when you become a parent please do not give an example of being a spiritually suffocated individual to your kids. Set an example of a spiritually free, yet responsible, happy, and Divinely connected person. Be a parent who can be the role model of your kid, so that when they grow up, they do not read this! They truly want to be like their mother and father!
Time to shine
So, it's time to cut the 'umbilical cord.' You are an individual. Create your own identity. This does not mean you abandon your parents or disrespect them.
But, make a choice. Live your life. At the same time, perform your duties towards your parents.
In India particularly, children smother their dreams and hold their identities just to please their parents. They think it's their duty to live 'under the shadows' of their parents. No, it is not a duty. You have your own shine, so come out of the shadows.
Your duty is to take care of your parents as they are regarded as second to God. So, you must respect them. You can even worship them, but do not destroy your identity.
You worship God, but do you leave your dreams for Him? No! Worshipping or paying respect is one thing. Living your life is another.
A fine balance between respecting your parents and respecting your own life is the need of the hour.
Guess what? You can even undertake life coach training in Gurgaon. Be your life's own coach. Who knows? You could become one of the best life coaches!
Author's Bio:
Shipra Singh is the senior content writer of lifepositive.com. She is a kidney donor and has experienced life's many colors, including grey shades, that have helped her discover her spiritual side. The writer believes her life is a novel and she makes sure to turn one page at a time to understand the Divine Plan better. A God-loving person, Shipra has healed herself of life's injuries through cooking and dance therapy.