How to be Free from Abusive Relationships & Empower Yourself

Contributed by :Mrs. Archana Rajendra Kulkarni
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This is an excellent case study, which can help women (or even men, for that matter) stop themselves from entering into abusive relationships.
This case also will help to understand how past life keeps affecting our current life.
My client, Ms. Renu (name changed) wanted to have a suitable person in her life whom she could marry and have a good life with.
Her main issue was, whenever she had any male in her life, they wanted to have sexual relations with her before marriage; This she was not interested in.
She felt helpless but ended her relationships, which created a lot of emotional disturbance, frustration, anger, loneliness, and confusion.
She also had a few other issues like:
- She had problems with her father and used to feel stressed because of his presence in the home.
- During childhood, she felt that her mother doesn’t love her.
- She had issues with her home. She felt: "I don’t belong here. I don’t want to live in this home. I have to go somewhere. But where?"
After understanding the subconscious mind and the fact that it is our inner space because of which we face certain problems in our life, Renu was ready (though very difficult) to stop blaming male friends because of whom she had issues.
Renu's regression session
She regressed back to a lifetime of poverty. The home where she was living was situated in a slum. She didn’t like that home. She had no father. Her mother was not interested in her. There, as a child, she was abused by a person of her father's age. But she didn’t feel it as abuse. Her body, even at that age, had some strange feeling of sexual need. But her heart and mind didn’t want it. There, her inner struggle between mind and body started. Body wanted to have it and mind didn’t want it. As mind was in denial, even though she had sexual relations in her life, she felt completely unsatisfied, unfulfilled, lonely, frustrated, used, and angry towards the end of her life.
This fight was going on in this lifetime as and when she had any male friend. As the memories of that lifetime got triggered up, she also had related feelings regarding that home. That was creating a problem with her current home and she was feeling like running away from the home. Then her current father was reminding her of that person who had abused her. This was creating issues with her father. She had unexplained anger towards her father.
After undergoing 4 sessions, she has started experiencing a change in her life. Her experiences after the sessions in her own words are as follows:
"Now I don’t feel out of place at my home. I feel comfort and peace at home.
My relationship with my father is not as stressful as it was before the sessions. Now it is quite normal.
After our last session, I feel that I got some inner strength to say NO to males who approach me with wrong intentions. Earlier I used to feel dominated by them. But now, I can stand for myself and can say NO when I don’t want something. I feel strong and thanks to you for that ma’am."
Our sessions have cleared confusing thoughts from my mind. Earlier, I was confused and engrossed in issues; but now I feel I am clear about myself. Even if I don’t know certain answers about my future, I have an unusual faith and firmness that everything will be fine for me.
I have learned to discard certain relationships, which were disturbing me, especially with men. I learned to say no to certain men who used to dominate me or I used to feel dominated by them. I think this is one important thing I really wanted to have within me. The ability to be firm while dealing with men.
And I will always be grateful for you Archana ma’am for helping me discover the firmness, which was lost inside me somehow in my journey so far. Thank you so much and God bless you!"
Above is the example of how a woman can stop going through abusive relationships. This is true even for the males in our society. They, too, feel abused or helpless in certain situations in life.
I am grateful to my client for showing her faith in me and a strong desire to heal from her problem and allowing me to post her case so that people can understand how it is we who are responsible for our experiences and above that, WE HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE OUR EXPERIENCES.
Take charge of your life...today!