Amaze Yourselves in the Most Unusual Way - NLP Life Training
"Whenever there is pain,
You always stand to gain,
For if you have a yearning,
There will surely be learning,
And after all the rain and mud,
You will walk in with a thud,
Only to find a pot of gold,
Waiting for you to grab and hold...."
When did you last drop all inhibitions and write a poem?
A short poem with beautiful rhyming words and simple language, but carrying a deeper meaning of life, was written by the CEO of lifepositive.com, Aman Chandra.
Sometimes, you just need to bring out the pure, Divine child in you and stop being so logical to experience the magic of life.
Life is amazing and if you still don't believe this, then you haven't actually experienced life. Amazing life does not mean only happiness. At times, grief amazes you too. It is so profound that you are stunned to see how sadness can tear the heart apart! At that time, pain amazes you. What amazes you more is the power you gain (maybe from some Divine source) to cope with the pain. For some, NLP life training can be a savior.
Folks, if you live each moment of life fully, you will be amazed every second.
Do you know what's the best way to cope with pains in life? Just say to it: "Hey, you amaze me!" At once, you would feel the heaviness of pain drifting away. It's like suddenly seeing the silver lining in the dark cloud.
Where's the Silver Lining?
It's in your mind!
A common adage goes that whatever the mind believes it can conceive. It's as simple as the half-empty, half-full glass phenomenon. If you have a habit of extracting the negative in things, you would always find the glass half empty. If you have a habit of extracting the positive in things, you would always find the glass half full. And you would be grateful for that fullness. You will be happy because you will bask in that fullness. You will not know emptiness. And as you continue to work towards making your glass completely full, one day it will.
How you see life determines how you live life
Do you know NLP life training can help you change your habits that are limiting you from enjoying life? The first thing to do is stop seeing life as a struggle. Life is a gift. It is to be enjoyed. Once you start believing this, you will magically find that people and situations appear in your life that add to your enjoyment.
A lot of people simply breathe; they are not actually alive. But are you breathing right? Deep theta meditation can help you breathe right again and start living in the real sense.
The difference between negative people and positive people is that the former spend most of their lives grumbling and complaining. They miss out on the "fullness of the glass" and, for them, life is constant torture and struggle.
On the other hand, for positive people, life is amazing because they are happy with the "fullness." According to them, they only need to work a bit harder and the glass will be completely full. With this belief, they spend their lives with a bright attitude and celebrate every little achievement. If you can celebrate life with its half fullness, you certainly deserve and will attract complete fullness. It's just a matter of time.
NLP life training can help you see the half-fullness of life.
The comfort zone can kill you!
Get out of your comfort zone now!
As you take NLP life training, you will realize that you are wasting this beautiful life sitting in comfort in a zone that limits you in all aspects. The zone makes you so comfortable that you think this is all that is to - now you do not want anything else. How wrong! You must explore life every moment.
That doesn't mean if you love your job, just leave it to explore more. Do what you love, but apart from this, explore newer things in life. Expand your existence, just like the Universe is expanding every moment. If the Universe is not still, why are you?
Train your mind for the "half-full glass"
Positivity and mindfulness are not necessarily inborn qualities. Blessed are those who carry them since birth, but don't be disheartened if you are not one of them.
You can develop both the qualities. It's just a matter of training the mind. NLP life training helps you do this.
Heard of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)? It is all about training the mind, learning its language and speaking to it in the manner that it understands. There are two choices for you: either undergo an NLP session or undertake NLP training in Mumbai or in your city.
The benefit of taking training is that you get to know the tricks of the mind for lifelong. It's like giving your life a makeover, which is much needed, don't you think?
So, what's stopping you taking NLP life training? It's a training for life.
Author's Bio:
Shipra Singh is the senior content writer of lifepositive.com. She is a kidney donor and has experienced life's many colors, including grey shades, that have helped her discover her spiritual side. The writer believes her life is a novel and she makes sure to turn one page at a time to understand the Divine Plan better. A God-loving person, Shipra has healed herself of life's injuries through cooking and dance therapy.