Your Relationship with you Sets Tone for Other Relationships

Contributed by :Dr. Chandni Tugnait
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I would like to share my thoughts on “Balance” in the lives of women.
Women are continuously balancing roles at home and at work with finesse. Sometimes, it gets tiring to keep wearing different hats but they stop at nothing.
With balance comes moments of imbalance – challenges, obstacles, surprises, the works!
It’s about choosing ease amidst all the chaos. How can we handle the chaos better to ensure a smooth sail? Let’s uncover some of the things we can practice daily.
Tips to conquer chaos
1) Be Mindful of your Language:
Use words that are positive and empowering. You create what you say and think.
- Don’t ask for a “break”, instead ask for a vacation.
- Don’t use crap, want, need, lack and similar words. Focus on what you wish to create and not the opposite.
- Don’t affirm things you dislike such as “I am stupid, I always get cheated upon, people use me, etc.” because each time you repeat these, you strengthen them. Instead use “I am willing to get better, I am more aware of my relationships, I choose to receive from the people in my life, etc.”
2) Use Left Nostril Breathing:
Left Nostril Breathing can be a great 2-minute tool to ease away stress and to help stay aligned and focused.
Simply take your right hand and, with your fingers outstretched, block off your right nostril by putting gentle pressure on it with your right thumb. Be sure to keep the rest of your fingers straight and pointing up towards the sky; the fingers act like antennas for the “cosmic” energy that surrounds us all.
With a long, slow, deep breath, gently inhale through your left nostril. Then, just as gently, exhale long, slowly and completely, again through the left nostril. Relax your body as you feel the relaxing, cooling breath bringing new life into your body. Relax even deeper with each exhale as you breathe out all tension, all stress, and all disease.
3) Take a Positivity Pledge:
Consciously keep away from any negative thoughts, complaints, judgments, fears, doubts, blames, etc. Focus only on the good and how to make it better.
4) Grounding:
Grounding helps in calming and keeping the anxiety away. It also helps in breaking free from negativity. It can be done in a couple of minutes.
A quick way to do it is to center your energies in your heart. See this energy as a ball of light. Allow this ball of energy to go to your feet and from there down into the earth. Allow the energies to be cleansed and the positive energies from earth to enter your feet and fill your body. Open your eyes and carry on with your work.
Meditation is a great way to stay balanced and aligned. You can use any of the techniques that you are comfortable with.
If you are one of those who have never experienced it, just sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Simply focus on your breath for a few minutes and allow the thoughts to settle. Be mindful of every feeling and experience until you reach a state of nothingness. With practice, the state can be achieved in seconds.
The past can’t be controlled and the future can’t be concluded – the present is all we have and we can create all that we choose.
When tomorrow comes, it will be Today!
So make each moment count. Be in gratitude for all that you are and all that you have. Count your blessings, embrace your imperfections, learn new things, motivate self to be better and most importantly love yourself.
Remember –
“Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.”
Stay Balanced! Stay Loved!