What Are Simple Things You Can Change and Add to Your Life to Help With Anxiety?
Anxiety and depression are something that we all struggle with recently, but not many people actually know how to handle them appropriately without making other things in their lives worse. Here are some easy ways that nature and simple life changes can help you cope with depression and anxiety.
Adopt a pet
Pets can help a lot with anxiety when they are properly trained. Depending on the pet you get, you can have a best friend who will walk you through your anxiety no matter where you go. But you have to make sure that you get the right breed because you might run into dogs with French Bulldog temperament and it might not help you much with your anxiety. However, depending on the type of person that you are, that kind of temperament could be perfect for you.
Sit outside on your porch without any electronics
When you are feeling very anxious, try going outside for about an hour. You don't have to do anything or even go anywhere. Just sitting outside on your porch, watching the sky, listening to the birds and the wind, enjoying yoga, and enjoying the fresh air without any outside and electronic distractions can help center you and keep you away from anxious thoughts.
If you don't like the idea of being completely cut off from the world, have your pet or a friend sit outside with you. But make sure that your friend doesn't have any electronics either because that would break this experience.
Go on regular walks
Nature helps a lot when you have anxiety. Something about being out and breathing in the fresh air while walking around can help you a lot with your anxiety and depression. If you have extreme anxiety, it can be difficult to get out of your shell and actually go on a walk, so bring a friend along to help you. Don't worry about going long distances. Just a short walk around the block can help you out a lot. Do this on the regular and you will notice a lot less anxiety in your daily life.
Get a regular sleep schedule
You want to make sure that you are getting enough rest, but not too much rest. If you have insomnia, it can be difficult to get a good sleep schedule. But a lot of insomnia actually stems from anxiety. It's a hard problem to fix, but if you try using a sleep aid like CBD gummies or tea, you might have a better time getting to sleep. Once you fix your sleep schedule, you won't have as much to worry about during the day because you will be fully rested and ready.
Hang out with friends in comforting places
If you are having a hard time getting past your anxiety and going to new places, hang out with your favorite people at places that you are familiar with. Work your way up to going to new places and meeting new people by keeping around the things that you are familiar and comfortable with.
If you want to try something new, bring a close friend along in case you start to get anxious. If you are trying to meet new people, bring them to a place that you are familiar with and know the workers so that there is always someone there you can turn to for help. It sounds paranoid, but it helps you when you know that you always have a backup plan.
Don't be afraid to ask for days off so you can enjoy the weather
When you are feeling extra anxious and you don't think that it would be good for you to go out to work today, and you love the weather, don't be afraid to text your boss and ask for a day off. You can call in sick if you would rather not ask for a day off. But you are allowed to take some time for yourself if you aren't feeling the best.
You should never feel bad for wanting to enjoy the day with friends or even at home by yourself. As long as you don't abuse this power, you should take a few days off a month to clear your mind and enjoy the day.