Embrace change and zoom ahead
Change is inevitable in the journey of our lives. As it is bound to happen, we might as well move with optimism embracing all that comes with change for it helps us grow.
We keep making changes in our life, some chosen, some that fall in our lap. In my case, though I was a software professional, I always loved to read and by extension, write. I therefore chose to change my profession. When I moved to writing from software, I could just not understand how to write, edit and rewrite if necessary. Slowly, I related writing, especially rewriting to testing and following instructions. I also understood how we need to understand that the reader usually knows nothing just like a user of any software knows nothing. This then made me a better writer, slowly but steadily. This change was of course due to my choice but some changes happen without us making a conscious choice. Here too, one needs to accept, embrace and then move ahead.
For instance, my friend, a corporate honcho, gave birth to a physically challenged child. She was a gifted singer so she left her job and put all her energies into taking care of the child and music. She even found that many people with physical challenges destress with music and hence, did research in this area too. She could have gone on a victim mode by cribbing but instead embraced the change and became a victor and guide to others.
In the same context, there were some others who kept wallowing in self pity when they had a special child to deal with. This resulted in additional problems like their own depression and stress adding to the package of troubles in their kitty.
Life the best teacher
Life is a pack of cards we are dealt with and we need to make the best use of it along with the changes that crop up every now and then.
We need to know that life is indeed the best teacher of all. We can handle anything but only if we don't succumb to stress and collapse but take it as a learning experience. This can be possible only when we take change as a transition. As Louise Hays says in one of her affirmations, I am willing to change. This may sound simple but as with many simple things in life, it is difficult to do and in extreme cases, leads to mental distress as pointed out by the World Health Organisation but the opposite of acceptance is stress.
We need to know that life is always changing and even if it is a radical change, we can accept it and convert it to a challenge like my friend mentioned above did. Plans of course need to be revised but this is something that is in our control so we can indeed do it as life is what we make of if, regardless of all the changes that come our way.
With this kind of attitude, life becomes magical for we get to know that everything that happens in life is tailor made for us. Even if it seems challenging, it then becomes an opportunity for growth. Change is after all a catalyst for growth if we choose to see it in that manner.
We can also affirm that we are on the right path and always being guided by a higher power in the universe.
By Jamuna Rangachari