Restful Mind, Easeful Heart
One aspiration that has taken over everyone’s attention these days, is to be light-hearted. Activities like laughter clubs, yoga, meditation, fitness regimes, retreats, and listening to specific audio music- are being used to find balance, spiritedness, happiness, and solace.
The pressures of ‘have to do’, and ‘must do’ have increased, yet the day continues at its rhythmic pace same as ever. One wants to do, and achieve more in a given time; slow and steady seems old-fashioned, for most.
In this pursuit, what has gone unnoticed is how each one was naturally spontaneous and expressive as a newborn. An infant gurgles, giggles, cries, and starts all over again. This miracle of life can keep him engaged all day, playful, and amused by watching the movements of his own hands and feet. Carefree, he has nothing to hold on to from the previous moment, no expectation about what should happen in the next. Remaining easeful and joyful is natural to the baby. No skill or training is required for that.
Why does one change as one grows up? What has moved one away from being their natural happy self?
Beliefs about duties, responsibilities, goals, and expectations silently crowd one’s mind. The need to be ‘someone’ drives one at subtle levels, which sprouts into a desire to be this undefined vision of perfection. This false identity supposedly does everything right, is superbly organized, is successful, well-behaved, and extraordinarily talented. In quest of wanting to fit into this ‘fictitious image of someone’ in their mind, one moves far away from being themselves. This lack of self-acceptance is like denying nourishment to own self and causes feelings of emptiness, loneliness; and one forms relationships and friendships to fill this void.
Wanting to be someone other than who you are, and how you want to be, is like being you, but always impersonating someone else. For a momentary and false sense of happiness and satisfaction, one ends up trying to make one’s self agree to be artificial. Unconsciously, one becomes a foreigner for their self.
The experience is similar to when one is in a place far away from one’s native place, where the food and environment are quite different. You tend to miss the people and the food, and the unease takes time to settle. In the same way, when one has neglected being one’s authentic self, they endlessly try to adjust to things that are quite in contrast to their intrinsic nature. As an infant, you didn’t know how not to be yourself; you were not different from different people. You did not need to create a ‘specific ‘image and so were in sync with your essence, happy to be the way you were. In effortless spontaneity, everyone feels joyful and is then drawn to shower you with love.
Each one is born with this inherent understanding of what makes you feel okay, and what doesn’t. A newborn is fully dependent on the parent, yet they cry to indicate their hunger or discomfort, which speaks volumes about the ever-present wisdom that guides you every moment. The adults around didn’t need to tell the baby about hunger or biological calls. This inbuilt ‘chatty ‘GPS communicates to you …through body sensations… “no-no”…” yes” “sure”!
Driving in heavy traffic, one has to nose through all sorts of vehicles, their horns blaring their loudness, indicating for you to move away, go back, or go sideways…which might make you feel disoriented, somewhat. Despite all hurdles, one maintains focus on their destination, finds their way out of the mayhem, and heads in the direction where they want to go. One doesn’t follow the haphazardly moving vehicles.
Ease of being can be experienced lastingly only when, even amid these external sounds, one is in tune with this inner partner, silently, persistently nudging you towards the destination called lightness. During the buzz of life, if you can tune in to the inner friend, and be assisted in your choices and decisions…your gain is easefulness and confidence. Let this unique unknown blessing as a GPS, show you the way: listen, pay heed to it.
The world’s greatest wealth is within each one. The miracle medicine, the remedy for all disorders and discomforts, is also within you. Relinquish idealism and perfectionism. Make your mind a happy place to be in. Resolutely free the hold of unnatural in you. Shed all barriers that create resistance towards living as your transparent self. Feelings of being safe and secure will suffuse you. It will soothe your mind, relax your body, and voila…you will be in unison with the ‘spirit’, …your true essence, once again. Isn’t that all one wants, through all that one does- to know from within - yes! I did a good job… it was a fine day. I look forward to life!
Drop the search and the doings, and quench the thirst for a restful mind and an easeful heart.
Unearth the goldmine of happiness, and contentment in you.
About Pratibha Malhotra
Pratibha Malhotra is based in Gurugram, India. Married, with two grown-up children, she lives a family life.
The wisdom to live life as ‘human’, is inborn, yet very few have been able to express that reality and balance. Knowing ‘I am a human being’, and ‘living as a human’ are two facets of multidimensional living.
Pratibha lives with only one purpose and that is to remind and rewire any and every one of this priceless reality, so their lives are meaningful, satisfying, and enriched with enthusiasm.
With ceaseless, persistent effort, she found a way to remain focused and grounded in the intrinsic largesse, which unfolded from responding consciously and mindfully to people and situations, without ever allowing thoughts to side-track, or contain her to react, or diminish her state of being.
All answers and solutions lie within and with this sagaciousness, she is an ocean of wisdom, one with intelligence called life within herself.
She is fondly called ‘Amu’- a parent with unconditional acceptance…Amu’s words and messages are a treasure trove of guidance on how to live life attuned to the innate knowingness, which she calls…voice of your heart and being.
Email: Lovinglife@lovinglife.in
Website: www.lovinglife.in
Phone: +91 8447536057/ 9810839766
Links to FB: Wholesome Living- https://www.facebook.com/Bondingwithheart/
Blog; https://www.facebook.com/PratibhaMalhotra.LovingLife/
Youtube; http://www.youtube.com/@Lovelifewithin
Soundcloud; https://soundcloud.com/user-950914737