Womb Healing Meditation: What Happened In The Womb?

Contributed by :Ms. Karishma Manchanda
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Before I tell you about womb healing meditation, let me ask you. Have you had a string of relationship issues recently? Are you recovering from an intense emotional connection that has recently been broken? Are you suffering from heartbreak and fear?
You are not alone.
There are many people who silently bear the burden of relationships gone awry. Transiting from a loving relationship to being single can be a rough experience.
There is a way to push through the pain, however. There is a method that can help you get in touch with your true, confident self. There’s a way to access the Divine Feminine within. This is known as ancient womb healing or womb healing meditation. It may be the perfect way to achieve the strength of character that you have been looking for.
What is Ancient Womb Healing/Womb Healing Meditation?
Ancient womb healing has been around for nearly 7000 years. It has been used to open a Divine Energy channel to help people cope with various problems that they may be experiencing. The title of “ancient womb healing” would suggest that this process is solely for women. However, because of how the healing process works and takes place, both men and women have been able to find solace in its healing powers. So, womb healing meditation is for both sexes.
How does it Work?
Ancient womb healing focuses on the sacral region of the body – the womb itself. As was mentioned, the “womb” in this case doesn’t only refer to the powerful female reproductive region. We all emerged from the womb. Our connection to it has the ability to be strengthened no matter if we are male or female.
The womb has its own divine energy- it is the perceived portal to experience oneness between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, which carries the mirror of your soul’s reactions.
Our souls are light and vibrating. Through womb healing meditation or ancient womb healing, we can be better connected to the universal divine feminine. Womb energy is powerful. Much pain can be levied if its power is harnessed. The harnessing of this energy is conducted through mantras, techniques, and meditations meant to strengthen this important energy portal.
How does it help?
Undergoing womb healing meditation or ancient womb healing signifies that you seek more out of life than you previously had.
This is certainly true for relationships.
When the womb is purified and strengthened, we have the ability to transform any kind of relationship we may be engaged in or wish to engage in.
Ancient womb healing/womb healing meditation has been said to:
- Help attract the right partner and soul mate
- Dissolve painful links to past relationships
- Resolve relationship difficulties between you and your spouse, parent, child, and family
- Disconnect from abusive relationships.
- Having the power of the womb chakra on your side will help you through your relationship woes, past and present.
Womb healing meditation is also prevalent in stirring your creativity. We are able to do wonders in the world after taking part in ancient womb healing. If you are having difficulties getting something going in your life, the womb chakra’s energy will be able to help you see your vision through to the end.
Womb healing meditation has many other healing properties as well.
Womb healing has the ability to:
- Reduce anxiety
- Overcome grief and loss
- Wash away anger
- Navigate life transitions
- Handle stress effectively
- Remove negative spirit attachments and energies
- Help with clearing your body of negative spirits and energies
- Aid you with your spiritual longing and finally open your heart.
The womb is not just a womb!
The womb is our center of power and creativity.
Yet, it is often distorted by unresolved wounding that usually results in creative blocks in our lives as well as physical imbalances in our bodies.
From a clear womb space, we can finally embody our authentic selves and birth our true desires into being.
Many of such blocks come from the experiences of our Mothers - what she was going through when she had you in her womb - her emotions, her experiences, her pain, her trauma - experiences where she was feeling unfulfilled, lack of support from your father or in-laws, unsafe, unwanted, anxious about the birthing experience, poverty-consciousness...
Unless these emotions, which have been imbibed from her personal experiences, are resolved in your system, you may continue to experience these as your own. Womb healing meditation can help in this.
Having sex leaves an imprint in your womb!
Every single person you exchange sexual energy with leaves an imprint in your womb.
The womb is the seat of our subconscious mind, creative storehouse, and potential. If we aren't consciously clearing our womb - we are constantly muddled with other's subconscious imprints left in our energetic and emotional bodies.
A big part of womb healing meditation revolves around clearing out these past lover's imprints, subconscious patterns, suppressed emotions, and psychic debris in your field.
All of this gets stored in our wombs. If not cleared, and with a chaotic womb, it affects our ability to create, to be clear in our emotions and expression, and create room for new partners and potential 'birthing' - of either a child or a project.
Womb cleansing
Our wombs are energetic vortexes of receptivity, both in lovemaking and in life.
This is why many of us experience symptoms like 'bloating' - this is the body's reaction to protect itself and its receptive nature. It also can be a result of taking on other's energetic imprints and not clearing ourselves.
Consciously clearing our wombs through womb healing meditation is a process and a beautiful journey of self-love and discovery. During this time, we don't want to be muddling our clearing process with other people's energy fields. It is as if you are doing a juice cleanse and someone offers you a burger and fries mid-way through your detox. It just throws everything off balance and undoes all the beautiful detoxification you have gifted to your body.
The only way to release these experiences from your energy is to go within!
Individual womb healing sessions help people transform their lives. Such womb healing meditation sessions offer profound healing from trauma stored in your sub-conscious mind from any event in this lifetime, including womb memories. Release and restructure your trauma to completely heal from it. Learn to anchor yourself with positive experiences.
These sessions help us emerge from the emotional blocks we have accumulated over the years as far back as our mother’s womb. Bringing awareness and releasing emotions from these memories bring more positivity and freedom to our day-to-day lives.
During a group meditative session, the therapist will guide the participants to a deep inner journey and exploration of the feminine aspect of the womb space. Each participant will receive cleansing and activation of their etheric womb through a guided process. Womb healing meditation is truly a wonderful therapy, worth trying.