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Inner Freedom - Center for Soul Healing
Sarita Vihar, New Delhi, Delhi, India





When blocks accumulate in the energy field, a disruption in the flow of energy through the Chakras result. It is these blocks that disrupt the Harmony in the field and eventually are the cause of disease, as well as emotional and mental disorders in the physical body. If chakra is imbalanced we experience various issues in our lives be it related to health, body, money, finances, job, relationships, marriage or more. All these aspects will be taken care of in this workshop. Each of your Chakras has its own unique “personality”, each controlling a specific aspect of your life. So if you are experiencing any form of physical or mental shortcomings, limitations or challenges in your life, there’s a high chance one of your Chakras is weak or closed.

This healing moves beyond your current level of existence to your past lives and to your ancestral level. It is a way to connect to your roots again which is very important for you to thrive in this universe.

This allows you to focus on each Chakra one at a time, understand its role and master it at your own pace. You will t the best short and long-term results with Chakra Healing by practicing it daily. This can be coupled wih Reiki or any other healing modality. 

You will also be guided to do it at home without the need of a facilitator.

This workshop works best when coupled with Higher Chakra Activation (12 Chakra System). 

About the organizers/facilitators

  • About the Facilitator:

    Karishma Manchanda is an author of the bestselling book, Cracking the Code of Akashic Records. She has also authored books like The Ultimate Workbook on Chakra Healing and Consultation Skills for Healers & Therapists.

    She is the originator of Healing with Akashic records in India and is a well acclaimed Akashic Records Coach™, Akashic Records Consultant™ & Soul Profiling Expert™. She is the Master Instructor of Crystal Prescriptions™ and Graduate of Crystal Therapy & Healing for Prescription Energy Medicine. She is also a Transformational Hypnotherapist, USA and a Past Life Regression Therapist, USA.

    Inner Child Healing She is also a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (California Hypnosis Institute, USA) and is well versed with concepts of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Past Life Therapy, Age Regression, Inner Child Healing, Birth Matrix Reimprinting, Energy Medicine, Theta Healing, Serenity Surrender, Chakra Balancing, Reiki, NLP, etc. 

    Karishma is also a Certified Life Coach and Emotional Intelligence Specialist, CAMI. Her zest to understand more on Life Script has led her to explore deeper concepts of Life Between Lives and study Soul Contracts. Her passion to help people heal themselves made her develop a series of workshops that have the power to transform and empower them to live the life they truly deserve.    

    Her achievements:

    • Akashic Records Coach™, Akashic Records Consultant™ & Soul Profiling Expert™

    • Author of Consultation Skills for Healers & Therapists and The Workbook for Chakra Healing

    • Master Instructor of Crystal Prescriptions™ and Graduate of Crystal Therapy & Healing for Prescription Energy Medicine

    • Transformational Hypnotherapist, USA and a Past Life Regression Therapist, USA

    • Certified Life Coach and Emotional Intelligence Specialist, CAMI

    • Inner Child Healing Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (California Hypnosis Institute, USA)

    • Advance Hypnotic Techniques & Modalities such as Past Life Therapy, Age Regression, Inner Child Healing, Shadow Work, Birth Matrix Reimprinting

    • Womb Regression, Life Between Lives (California Hypnosis Institute, USA)

    • Fertility, Sexuality, Behavioural Issues & Medical Concepts (California)

    • Hypnosis Institute, (USA)

    • Serenity Surrender (Basic, Paver, Harmonizing Masculine Feminine, Evolution, Advanced Evolution Cycle, etc.)

    • Law of Attraction, Reiki (William Lee Rand Lineage), Theta Meditation,

    • Mindfulness, Chakra Healing, and many more


    About Her Workshops:

    Her workshops are designed to touch every facet of human experience. The curriculum of each workshop is optimized for profound personal growth that has the potential to shift the limiting beliefs and embryonic perception of Self, to imbibe the unlimited potential of the Soul. By combining the eureka of Mind - Body - Spirit trinity, massive spiritual awakening, and growth can be experienced. Each module is designed to harmonize physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies and to bring the Soul in alignment with its higher purpose. 

    1. Healing with Akashic Records

      1. Level 1: Exploring the Akashic Records

      2. Level 2: Healing Inner Child Wounds & Ancestral Karma

      3. Level 3: Healing Past Lives and Releasing Spirits, Black Magic, Curses & Vows

      4. Level 4: Healing Others with Akashic Records

      5. Level 5: Become a Soul Profiling Expert

      6. Level 6: Become an Akashic Records Coach

      7. Level 7: Become an Akashic Records Trainer

    2. Soul Energy Regression Therapy

      1. Level 1: Foundation course in Soul Regression Therapies

      2. Level 2: Intermediate course in Soul Regression Therapies

      3. Level 3: Advance course in Soul Regression Therapies

      4. Level 4: Teacher Training course in Soul Regression Therapies

    3. Crystal Prescriptions

      1. Level 1: Foundation course in Crystal Prescriptions

      2. Level 2: Chakra Balancing with Crystals

      3. Level 3: Crystal Prescriptions for Space Clearing, Feng Shui and Psychic Protection

      4. Level 4: Crystal Prescriptions for Karmic Clearing, Soul Retrieval and Ancestral Healing

      5. Level 5: Crystal as for Energy Medicine

      6. Level 6: Teacher Training Course in Crystal Prescriptions 

    4. The Sacred Art of Chakra Healing

    Consultation Skills for Healers & Therapists


    Why learn from us:

    The Akashic Records Academy is a globally accredited and certified Training Provider of Healing with Akashic Records, Crystal Prescriptions, and other courses. We offer professionally accredited and internationally recognized certification courses affiliated with International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM). As a result, our courses are internationally accredited and recognized around the globe! We are accredited as an approved training provider by one of the world’s leading professional bodies representing the worldwide complementary and alternative health industry.

    • Your Certification is well-respected, well-known, and internationally recognized – you can be assured you have earned the right certification. This means that our courses are known for being the gold standard and not just handing out certifications

    • As our graduate, you receive certificates with IPHM logo for successfully completing globally accredited courses that support your business growth

    • You will receive our expertly designed, most comprehensive content for Healing with Akashic Records, Crystal Prescriptions, and other courses. We continually refresh and have our courses up-to-date while aligned with industry best practices

    • Your Clients can be reassured with our globally accredited courses that you are a professionally certified practitioner – highly effective and confident in the application of Akashic Records and Crystal Prescription – in private practice or for your personal use

    • Ours isn’t just any random course. Our course merges physics and metaphysics to explain the science and logic (in an easy-to-understand way) behind what we teach, giving you a mega-confidence boost

    • The courses have more content and even more practical tools and exercises

    • Our courses are known for being the gold standard and not just handing out certifications. We believe in earning your certification. To that end, we give tons of support, check-ins, and invest in your success! I even assist with the mindset piece along the way to get you to the finish line. Take as long as you need it. Graduate on your timeline – but we are dedicated to helping you get there!

    • You can access the modules + all content from anywhere in the world whenever it works with your schedule – and you get Lifetime Access!

    • Our graduates go on to serve others, transform their lives, and even start or expand their healing businesses — or add entirely new income streams… doing something that they love.

    • For more information, visit www.akashicrecords-academy.co



  • Inner Freedom - Center for Soul Healing, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi, Delhi, India


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