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Zorba the Buddha
Zorba The Buddha, 7, Tropical Drive, Ghitorni, New Delhi, Delhi 110030, India


5000 - 8500


The Life Positive International Spiritual Healing Festival 2024, which will take place on February 24th & 25th, at Zorba the Buddha 7, Tropical Drive, Ghitorni, New Delhi, Delhi 110030, is a one-of-a-kind event aimed to inspire spiritual growth, healing, and connection. Your presence will add to the positive energy of the festival, and we look forward to sharing this transformative experience with you. Mark your calendar and make room for a weekend dedicated to your spiritual well-being. This festival promises to be a haven for those seeking inspiration, healing, and a deeper connection with themselves and the universe.

Join us for a soul-nurturing experience featuring:

  • Inspirational talks by renowned spiritual leaders

  • Transformative workshops and healing sessions

  • Guided meditations and mindfulness practices

  • Opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals

  • Holistic wellness practices to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit

About the workshop and facilitators:

Day 1, February 24, 2024(Saturday)

Reiki Healing with Dr. N. K. Sharma and Dr. Savita Sharma

Reiki is a miraculous divine gift present in every human being which can be effectively used to heal oneself, others and almost everything and anything in the Universe either distant or nearby, be it plants, animals, food, living, or non-living beings. It is an ancient form of Tibetan healing rediscovered in the late 1800’s by Dr. Mikao Usui (an allopathic physician and surgeon) of Japan. It is a simple yet a powerful technique that can be learned and practiced by anyone. Pronounced as ‘ray-key’ it is a type of divine, pure and positive energy which is capable of healing everything and anything that one can think of. Facilitators Dr. N. K. Sharma & Dr. Savita Sharma have transformed millions of lives with their Midas touch! With their ‘practice-what-you-preach’ attitude, they have scientifically unveiled numerous hitherto mystical secrets and freed innumerable people from the complex webs of myths, doubts, diseases, suffering, black magic, superstitions, planetary fears and fake gurus. Their amazing Reiki workshops have made people masters of their destiny.




Divine Union- Marrying the Shiva and Shakti Within by Hitesh Vashisht

Within each man and woman exists the Shiva (Masculine) and Shakti (Feminine) energies. The combination of these energies helps us to stand in our power, liberating us to develop our unique potential and offer our gifts to the world. However, we go through several life challenges that derail us from this Shiva-Shakti Union. Regaining your inner balance enables you to be in the flow of your life and thrive. This workshop is for those men and women who are striving to arrive at inner balance in their lives.

Hitesh is the author of the best seller, Sundaram Speaks-Conversations to Awaken Your Soul’s Wisdom. He is an Internationally Certified and Licensed Consciousness Coach with a decade and half of experience in the field of human behaviour. He is trained in many complementary healing modalities, like Past Life Regression, Inner Child Work, Life Between Lives Regression, Family Constellation, Ancestral Healing, Rebirthing Breathwork to name a few. With more than 500 workshops, he, along with his wife, Shubhangi Sharma, has helped his clients in finding meaning and purpose in their lives.



Day 2, February 25, 2024(Sunday)

Money Consciousness by Dr Raman Deep Kaur

Money is directly related to how you envisage your life. Money is a frequency. Once we are in tune with this frequency, we can create abundance in all spheres of our lives. When you are clear about your objectives, and desires it works well. If you are not clear and are confused, money does not grow. It multiplies only with a positive mindset of welcoming it as a friend. In this workshop Dr Ramandeep will teach you how to vibrate at your best money frequency and attract abundance into your life. Dr Raman Deep Kaur, PhD (Metaphysics), is an International-Coach-Federation-certified Holistic Transformation Coach and Master Spirit Life Coach. She is a Neuro Linguistic Programming Master Trainer, a Reiki Master and an Access Consciousness Facilitator. She has trained with Louise L Hay, Robin Sharma and Dr Joe Vitale.





Emotional Freedom Technique by Meetu Sehgal 

In this workshop youwill understand the concept of EFT as well as the wide range of physical and emotional issues for which it is effective. You will learn methods to get to the core issues and emotional reasons behind diseases. A working knowledge of EFT and its applications for beginners will be shared. You can use EFT to reduce stress, stop the spiral of negative thoughts and heal emotional upsets and physical pain like headaches, and backaches. Meetu Sehgal is an EFT Trainer, Personal Transformation and Emotional Wellness Coach, Tarot Reader, Author, Intuitive Healer and Counseling Psychologist. She offers personal sessions, training,on EFT, Inner Child Work (Matrix Re-imprinting), NLP, Tarot, Reiki and Angel Therapy.

Don't miss out on this chance to embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner peace.

Registration: Secure your spot now by registering at https://lifepositive.org/product/international-healing-festival-2024/. 10% discounts are available for all current subscribers. 

For More information, please call to Shweta Naithani 9971088870, Dharamveer 9312191587

Moments of Previous Workshop

About the organizers/facilitators

  • The Life Positive Foundation, founded in 2005 is a not-for-profit public charitable trust with wide-ranging concerns and interests in the upliftment of society. It was founded with the aim of disseminating holistic information, hands-on healing techniques, and life-transforming tools to the general public to help them experience holistic growth and well-being in their lives. 

    Ever since, it has worked tirelessly to create awareness about numerous alternative-healing modalities, like NLP and Theta healing, as well as, ancient Indian holistic traditions like yoga, Ayurveda, mudra science, and acupressure amongst the masses through books, workshops, seminars, and expositions. 

    Our objectives 

    ● To conduct research, collate, and disseminate important and relevant knowledge and information, both ancient and contemporary. 

    ● To commission works and publish manuscripts, books, and holistic body-mind-spirit magazines. ● To organize and sponsor expositions, fundraising events, camps, seminars, and workshops. 

    ● To approach the Government of India and international forums from time to time to lobby for requisite policies. 

    ● To promote and espouse at all levels – Governmental, NGOs, WHO – holistic systems of medicine. ● To preserve, document, and revive ancient and endangered traditions of India and the world. ● To provide a platform for people and organizations active in related fields to voice their views and share information and expertise. 

    People behind the mission 

    Mr. D R Kaarthikeyan, Chairman 

    The former director-general of India’s National Human Rights Commission and former chief of the Central Bureau of Investigation, D R Kaarthikeyan has served in various capacities in the Government of India, including postings outside the country. He is formally and informally associated with many Indian spiritual organizations.

    Mr. Aditya Ahluwalia, Managing Trustee 

    A businessman with an abiding interest in spirituality, especially Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy and his vision of a New Man, Aditya Ahluwalia wished to contribute in his own way to the betterment of humanity and the world through Life Positive. He also took the lead in starting the website lifepositive.com. 

    Mr. V Venkat, Director 

    V Venkat has been with the organization since its inception and has nurtured its growth and success. His commitment to positive living and to helping establish a caring society spurs him and his team to greater heights.


  • Zorba the Buddha, Zorba The Buddha, 7, Tropical Drive, Ghitorni, New Delhi, Delhi 110030, India


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