The healing touch
In Acupressure treatment, there are several ways to stimulate an Acupuncture/Acupressure point, but the most simple and effective technique is the thumb rule of using the thumb and index/middle fingers. Simply holding or pressing the point by thumb or index/middle finger is enough to connect with the energy most efficiently. This method removes or releases stagnant energy most effectively and channelizes the energy through the meridians or channels.
When locating a point, the index and middle fingers are the best bet, and after locating the point thumb can be used under moderate pressure to release energy. In areas or parts where there is too much muscular tension then both the thumb and index/middle fingers can be used alternatively. The thumb will remain at one point and simultaneously other fingers can work around the point to release energy. Regarding the amount of pressure, it should be neither too strong nor just a light touch but kept in moderation. The patient should not become uncomfortable with your pressure. If you apply extreme pressure on the point causing pain and soreness to the patient will lead to further blockage of energy flow rather than removing it. Pressure should be applied in a way that is both comfortable and stress-free for both the practitioner and the patient. At the tension area, excess energy is blocked in the tense muscles and has become too yin-type. To grasp the significance of Acupressure point release, we must first understand the concept of chronic tension or stress.
When due to any physical, mental, or emotional chronic stress, the muscles get tense and stiff leading to disruption in blood circulation and energy flow. This disruption causes muscles to accumulate toxins and these toxins make the muscle tissues stick together causing stiffness and rigidity. This stiffness and rigidity in the muscles causes hard knots of harder and bigger masses which further build up stagnation of energy. Life is tender and soft but death is hard and rough. When people or animals die they become hard and dried up. Every person experiences chronic tension and blocked points due to various reasons but an experienced healer knows how to diagnose and how to open these energy blocks either by acupuncture or acupressure. It was always compulsory to consult a physician before applying pressure on yourself. Acupressure becomes necessary to release muscular tension which acts like a shield, and this shield filled with past traumas blocks us to fully experiencing life. Moderate pressure is the best way to release blocked energy. When there is little or no muscular tension pressure should be applied firmly but in a gentle way until one feels the connection with the energy.
I use my thumb for moderate pressure and my fingers for locating and gentle pressure and moving along the channel pathway to release the trapped energy. When there is intense muscular tension, the thumb should be used with just enough pressure so that you feel the stiffness of the muscles. On Yin areas such as the chest, abdomen, or head just use the middle or index finger while letting the weight of your palm gently on the point. On Yang areas such as muscular areas, pressure should be firm but not forceful letting your body weight sink in gently. For back areas, the thumb is the best way to move along the urinary bladder channel on both sides of the spine. For back release, the tension point must be first located by pressing with the index or middle finger. After marking the point thumb can be used in a downward direction to release energy. Essential oils, massage, or just simple pressure can do the work. Focusing on the energy flow and the release of stagnant energy contains the least resistance path and proceeds from a compassionate heart.
The deep state of relaxation and increased consciousness that comes is one in which the body is best able to balance the yin and yang energies. Each point should be held for a maximum of 30 seconds. One minute is the best time but for very stiff and rigid muscular tension longer time is needed perhaps 2 or 3 minutes. If you want to know if your energy is released you have to focus on a feeling of softening around the tense point. If there is a reduction in pain and soreness after pressure it means energy is being released. The third step needs experience and in this process the healer feels a strong and ordered pulsation at the Acupuncture/Acupressure point. To start applying acupressure I will give you an example of how to do lower back pain release. Remember this method must be done on the most tensed and stressed part of the body or both sides of the body.
Points for lower back pain release are UB.23, UB.47, LIVER.14 and GB.34
1. One hand holds UB.23 while the other hand holds LIV.14
2. One hand remains at UB.23, while the other hand moves from LIV.14 to GB.34
. Again one hand holds UB.47, while the other hand holds LIV.14
4. One hand remains at UB.47, while the other hand moves from LIV.14 TO GB.34
5. Do this process on both sides if needed