Investing yourself on Negative psychological issues
Negative psychological issues such as harmful behaviours or patterns that can affect our well-being. These may include:
Self-doubt: Constant self-doubt about one’s abilities or worth leads to procrastination and low self-esteem.
Overthinking: Constantly thinking about thoughts or situations causes stress and anxiety.
Perfectionism: Setting unrealistically high standards, which leads to stress and dissatisfaction with anything less than perfection.
Negative self-talk: Engaging in negative self-criticism or internal dialogue affects self-esteem.
Comparison: Constantly comparing your success or worth with others makes you feel inadequate.
Challenge Avoidance: Withdrawing from challenges or opportunities out of fear of failure hinders personal growth.
Catastrophizing Always anticipating the worst possible outcome in any situation, causing unnecessary stress and anxiety.
Identifying these negative psychological factors is the first step in improving psychological well-being. Working to reframe thoughts, practicing compassion, seeking help, and developing healthy habits can help shift these patterns toward positive psychological outcomes.
By - Rama Ravee Titti,